Chapter 64

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No one's pov(again lol)
Alana and Chris gently laid in bed,the blanket covering their bodies.Chris gently rested his head on Alana's belly and had protectively wrapped his arms around her,"gosh...I can't remember the last time we did sometime like that."Alana admitted."heh...yeah."Chris replied,Alana sat up which caused Chris to let go of her."do you think we scared the baby?"Alana asked,gently rubbing her belly.Chris blushed,"I love you."was all he could say.Alana blushed,she smiled and gently kissed him.he smiled as he kissed her back,"how are you feeling?"she asked as they pulled away from the kiss."I was gonna ask you the same thing."he said,"I...I'm serious Chris."she said.he gave her a concerned look,"what's wrong?"he asked.

"I'm worried about you,"she confessed."y-you've been having these nightmares and you wont tell me what happens in them."she said,Chris looked away.she gently grabbed his hands and held them,"just tell me."she whispered.he looked at her,staring in her eyes.he knew he couldn't keep lying to her like this,it wasn't right.he sighed,"at-at nightmares start off as dreams.we're in the hospital,and you're giving birth to our child."he began to explain.Alana put her hand on her belly and listened,"and turns into a fucking nightmare.A-After you gave birth to our kid,y-you didn't didn't breathe,you didn't even blink.Y-You....died."he continued to explain his nightmare.

At this point,Chris was shaking but trying to look strong.Alana's heart broke at the near sight of it,she couldn't bare to see her fiancé like this.she pulled him down and managed to hug him,"I'm never going to leave,I'll be ok."she comforted him.he gently hugged her back,sniffing and trying to hold back his tears."I love you so much baby."he mumbled,Alana lifted his head up."I love you more."she whispered,gently wiping his tears with her thumb as she cupped his cheeks.

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