Chapter 71

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Alana's pov
We basically invited the band and their families to the baby shower.I even invited Cara,because I didn't want her to be bored all day waiting for the kids to come home."you didn't have to invite me Al,but I really appreciate it."she said,"it's no problem Cara,you're still family no matter what."i said.I gently hugged her,"alright Alana it's time to find out the gender!"Christine called out.I grinned and made my way to Chris,who was near a piñata."seriously?"i said,pointing it out.he just shrugged,"here ya go Shifty!"Cami said as she handed him a baseball bat.Nate began to record us,"you just gotta crack open the piñata to see what color confetti comes out."Christine explained.

"Wait really?that's it?"



"It does kinda sound like fun."Chris admitted."well then you might as well do the swinging."i said,backing away.he grinned eager,he held the bat up like a baseball player.




Chris hit the piñata really hard,it split open and revealed pink confetti.everyone cheered and clapped,Chris and I widened our eyes and gasped."We-We're...having.."I felt like I could barely speak,"WE'RE HAVING A GIRL!"Chris howled.we began to cheer,I rushed to him and gently hugged me.he kissed my cheek as he hugged me back,"ah man I wanted another brother."i overheard Liam John say."well look on the bright-side boys,you'll have a little sister to protect."Cara assured them,I nodded in agreement.

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