Chapter 13

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Alana's pov
"We should go on a date."

I blushed when Chris said that.I was checking out the schedule for the upcoming album,"W-What?"i said."yeah,you and me:we should go on a date."he suggested,"Chris I don't know..."I trailed off."don't worry,it won't be anywhere public."he assured me,"in fact,we can go wherever you want."he suggested.I looked down nervously,then I looked at him."M-Maybe I could make us some dinner?a-at my place?"I suggested,he smiled."like I said,we can do whatever you want."he said,I smiled and blushed.I took my phone out of my pocket and texted him my address,I then quickly put my phone away.

Then Pat walked in with Rami and Nate,"hey Alana!how's it going?"Rami greeted me."good,the schedule's looking alright."I replied,I handed Pat the schedule.him,Nate,and Rami looked at it."we'll give it to Dave,thanks for checking it out Lana."Nate said,I smiled."Chris,Taylor wanted you to come with us.we're heading to the beach with the kids,maybe you could ask Cara to let you have the kids."Pat said,Chris flinched."I-"I cut him off,"C-Can I come too?"I asked.I widened my eyes a bit,"I-I mean,I-I could maybe watch some of the kids and stuff..."I said.Nate and Rami looked at each other,"sure why not."Rami said with a smile.Chris seemed relived,"I'll call Cara right now."he said.

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