Chapter 81

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Chris' pov
"It seems like something's on your mind."Dave pointed out as he handed me an open beer.we were outside at the backyard,sitting on some chairs and staring out into the bright lights of the busy city.I sighed,"I'm scared."i admitted.he looked at me,"you?scared?no way."he said.I nodded,"why are you scared?"he asked.I put my beer down on the table beside me,"the truth is...I'm fucking scared of losing Alana."I looked down at the ground."I already fucked up with Cara Dave...I can't fuck up with her."i said,looking at him.he didn't say anything for a moment."I felt the same thing with Jennifer,ya know?and then when I got married to Jordyn,I was so nervous.I thought that I'd fuck it all up,but I was so in love with her that I knew we'd be fine."he admitted,I was shocked.

Dave put his hand on my shoulder,"look Chris:the truth is nobody is ever not nervous on their second wedding,it's just the fucking facts.but you know what really makes you know it'll be ok?her,a girl that really gets you can really make you confident."I felt like tearing up.I tightly hugged him,"you're the fucking best."I mumbled.he hugged me back,"now let's get some rest,you got a wedding tomorrow."he said as we pulled away from the hug.I smiled and nodded,we finished our beers and threw them out before heading back to our beds.

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