Chapter 47

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Alana's pov
"Why didn't you tell me you're pregnant?"

I gulped,instinctively putting my hand on my stomach for some reason."I...I..."he got up from the couch and put the test down on the coffee table,"I-I was scared."I confessed."scared of what?"he asked,getting close to me.tears began to form in my eyes,"that you'd leave me,that you wouldn't love me anymore,that you wouldn't want this baby."I admitted."are you kidding?baby I love you more then anything in this world!and now..."he trailed off,"we're having a kid."he said with a smile.

he lifted my chin up and made me look at him,"S-So you're not mad?"I asked."I'm having a baby with the love of my life,"he said,"I'm the happiest man in the world."I smiled as tears rolled down my cheeks.Chris pulled me in and gently hugged me,I gently hugged him back.He then got down on his knees to my stomach.he rolled up my shirt and gently touched my stomach,his warm hands felt nice.

I put my hand on top of his head and ran my fingers through this hair as he gently kissed my stomach,his beard tickling it.he stood up and gently kissed me,I kissed him back."we'll need a bigger house."he whispered,I nodded in agreement.I smiled,"we're having a baby."i said.he grinned,"we're having a baby."he repeated what I said.

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