Chapter 26

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Alana's pov
As I slowly woke up I realized I wasn't in my bed,or my apartment,also someone's arms were wrapped around me.I looked up and smiled,Chris was sleeping with his arms wrapped around me.I closed my eyes and snuggled into his chest,he felt so comfortable.

"What day is it?"


"Perfect:we don't have work,Cara has the kids,we can do whatever we want."

"I'm kinda hungry,but I don't want to get up."I admitted,"feeling lazy?"he asked.I looked up at him and nodded,he chuckled."well that's why breakfast in bed was invented baby."he said,"noooo dont gooo."I whined as he let go of me."how will I make breakfast if I'm in bed?"he asked,"just stay with me for five more minutes."I mumbled.he laughed,"alright,but only 5 minutes."he said.I immediately snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me again,I felt him kiss my forehead.

5 minutes later...

"We should get up."

"I agree."



"Maybe we could stay in bed for a couple more minutes."

"Good idea."

10 minutes later...

Chris and I were finally up and out of took us a while to get out of bed,but we managed to do it.Chris had his arms wrapped around my waist as I made us eggs and bacon,I felt his beard tickling my neck as he kissed it.I giggled and smiled,i turned my head and kissed he kissed me back we were startled by the sound of the doorbell,we widened our eyes."are you expecting anyone?"I whispered worryingly,"I don't think I am,go hide in my studio."he commanded.I nodded as he let go of me,I rushed down to his studio and closed the door once I got in.I rushed into the closet and hid in there,I covered my mouth and waited.I felt like I was in a horror movie,it was as if I was hiding from a serial killer.

Chris' pov
I lowered the heat on the stove and made my way to the front door,I opened it and saw Taylor.I widened my eyes,"W-What are you doing here Dude?"I asked."I left my shit here,remember?"He replied,he was referring to the tool kit he let me borrow."ohhh,that.I got it,lemme just grab it."i said,he let himself in as I went to my garage to grab the tool box.As i walked back into the living room I saw Taylor looking in my fridge,probably for a beer."hey Hawkins,got your tool box."i said,getting his attention.he turned around,smiled,and closed the fridge."sweet!"he said as he walked up to me,"thanks dude."he said as he grabbed it from me."no problem."i said,hoping he would leave.

"oh by the way Dave said we might start recording a new album soon."he said,"cant wait."i said."alright,alright,I'll let you have breakfast."he said,he walked out the front door.I closed it and sighed,I quickly locked it before heading down to my studio."Alana?"i called out as I entered it,she popped out of the closet."T-That was so nerve wracking!"she pointed out."yeah,you're telling me."I said,she rubbed her eyes under her glasses."hey,hey,don't get stressed ok?"i said,putting my hands on her arms."I know,I know,I just..don't want us to get caught."she said,"I know,and we're not gonna get caught."i assured her."I love you."she said,her eyes glimmering.I blushed and smiled,I lifted her up.she blushed and held onto me,"I love you too."i said with a grin.she smiled,she put her hands on my shoulders and gently kissed me.

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