Chapter 74

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No one's pov
It was a completely normal day:the guys were at band practice,Cara was bringing the boys over,Christine was on her way to show off some new dish she made,Rebecca was helping Alana fold clothes,and Allison was hanging out with Jordyn.

A completely normal day

Or is it?

Alana's pov
I sighed as Rebecca helped me fold some clothes,"what's wrong honeypie?"she asked me."nothing it's back hurt and I'm craving Chinese food,on top of that I've been feeling these weird sharp pains today."I vented,she widened her eyes in a concerned way."when did these sharp pains start?"she asked worryingly,"uhhh,before Chris went to practice.are you ok?"I asked."are you ok?"she asked,"I just asked y-"we then heard the doorbell ring."it's probably Cara,I'll go get it."she said,she left the room and went downstairs.I really needed to pee,so I managed to get I tried to make my way to the bathroom I felt the sharp pain again,I winced in pain and almost fell to the floor.I felt something trickling down my pants,I looked down and widened my eyes.

"R-Rebecca..."I whispered in an almost inaudible way,the sharp pains were getting rougher.I fell on my knees and held onto my belly as I gritted my teeth in pain,"Rebecca!"I cried out in pain.I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs,Rebecca ran into the room and widened her eyes."oh my god I knew it,I should've known all along!"she helped me up,"you're water broke Alana,you're gonna give birth."she said.I widened my eyes,"N-No...N-No i c-cant do-do this without Ch-Chris!"I cried."it'll be ok,I'll tell Cara to call him."she assured me,"I'll call an ambulance,just try to breathe."she said.

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