Chapter 72

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Alana's pov
"A baby girl,I can't believe it."Chris was night now,my parents and Cami were sleeping in the guest rooms and the boys went home with Cara."this is a good and bad thing."i said,he looked at me."how is it a bad thing?"he asked curiously,"we haven't thought of any girl names."I pointed out."shit,you're right."he said,his face then immediately lit up."let's name her Dolly!"he suggested,I glared at him."Dolly Shiflett?"i said,he gulped."well you do make a good point."he said,I giggled."don't worry about it hun,we can think about names in the morning."I assured him.I gently messed up his hair,he grinned.I then felt pain in my back,I sat up and whimpered."does your back hurt again?"he asked worryingly,i bit my lip and nodded in pain."don't worry baby I got you."he said,he sat up and moved me back a bit.

He sat behind me and began to massage my back,I melted into it.I've always loved Chris' hands,so nice and warm."feel better?"he asked as he continued to massage me,I nodded."I love you."i said,he kissed my cheek."I love you more than anything in this world."he said,resting his chin against my neck.I smiled,he went around me and was now laying beside me."now let's get some rest,alright?"he said,I nodded.he took off my glasses for me and put them on my nightstand,I smiled.

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