Chapter 56

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Alana's pov
Everyone was dancing on the dance floor,everyone except for me.I've never been known to be a good dancer,and I don't really plan on tripping Chris."may I have this dance?"Chris asked,holding out his hand in front of me.I blushed,"C-Chris,I'm not a good dancer."i said as I grabbed his hand.he stood me up,"that's fine Al,I'll help you out."he assured me.he led me to the dance floor,"just follow my lead and focus on me."he whispered.I blushed and nodded,I stared into his eyes as I held onto his hand and hip.

"Something's on your mind."

"Is it that obvious?"


"Now tell me,what are you thinking about?"

He gently spun me,"don't know if I should say,so much it happening ya know?"i said."you can tell me anything baby,I won't judge."he assured me as we began to slow dance,"Don't know if I should,"I admitted."I don't want to ruin this moment."i said,"It won't ruin it."he assured me again.I looked at him,"Promise?"he made a cross motion on his heart."Promise."I looked at him,"I-"but before I could say anything Dave yelled,"ALRIGHT LETS GET THIS FUCKING PARTY STARTED!"everyone except for me and Chris cheered."maybe we should go somewhere else to talk privately."he suggested,"good call."i said.

No one's pov
Chris led Alana outside to the little gazebo area,they sat down inside in it."the stars look pretty tonight."Alana pointed out,Chris looked up.she was right,they were twinkling brightly like little Christmas lights."yeah..."he said,Alana looked down."we're alone now,spill the beans."he said,she looked at him and giggled."well...watching Rami and Christine...made me think about us."she began to say,Chris looked at her."the thought of us getting married has been swarming my mind ever since Rami proposed to Christine."she continued,"but...I don't want to rush anything,or to lose you..."she admitted.Chris sat closer to her and grabbed her chin,turning her face towards him.

"Alana...I love you so much.I know I've said this before,but this is it:you're the only woman I're carrying my child for fuck's sake,I'm fully committed to you no matter what people say.I don't give two fucks if they judge us,fuck them."he got down on his knees in front of her,"W-What are you doing?"she asked as he took off the ring that was on her finger(the ring he used to ask her to be his girlfriend)."doing something I've been wanting to do for a year."he said,he gently held her hand."Alana Valance,will you marry me?"he asked,holding up the ring.

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