Chapter 60

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Alana's pov
"ALANA!"the Shiflett siblings screamed as they ran through the front door,"gotta go sis."i said as I laughed.she laughed,"bye Alana,see you later guys!"she said.then she hung up,I took the phone off the couch and put it on the coffee table.I was about to get up but Chris rushed towards me and helped me up,"I don't want you to move around so much."he said as he supported my back with his hand.I gave him a look,"Chris,I love you,but I think your overprotectiveness is going a bit too far."i said."sorry,sorry."he apologized,"don't worry Alana,daddy did the same thing when mommy was pregnant with Liam John."Eamon Riley said."and with Dashiell Ellis!"Liam John added,I giggled."alright that's enough,now what do you guys want to eat for lunch?"Chris asked them,"we want pizza!"they all exclaimed.

They ran to their rooms,"sorry for being so overprotective babe."Chris apologized again."it's ok baby,it's kinda cute honestly."I said,he blushed in embarrassment.he cleared his throat,"so uh,who was that on the phone?"he asked."Cami,she's coming over to be backup for when our parents come over."i replied,he sighed out of relief."oh thank god,I don't know what would happen if she wasn't there."he said,I laughed."oh,she wanted me to let you know that she doesn't need you picking her up."I added,"why not?"he asked."she doesn't want chaos."i replied,"huh...I guess that makes sense."he said.

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