Chapter 76

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No one's pov
"I can't wait to see the baby!"

"Alana must be exhausted."

"I can't wait to plan her and Shifty's wedding!"

The group walked down the hall,making their way to Alana's hospital room.Chris was sitting next to Alana with their daughter in his arms,they were all fast the boys ran inside,Liam John stopped his brothers and made them fall.before Dashiell Ellis could whine and cry Liam John shushed him and pointed at their sleeping father and baby sister,everyone else walked in and saw them sleeping as well."awww,so cute."Pat said,holding Rebecca's hand.June stirred in Chris' arms which caused him to wake up,"hey there sleepyhead."Taylor said jokingly.Chris rolled his eyes,his sons slowly walked towards him.

"what's her name?"Eamon Riley asked,"June LeAnn Shiflett."Chris replied."I had a suspicion that you'd name your kids after a country singer."Nate said,Chris chuckled.Alana began to wake up,"hey there Lana,how are you feeling?"Christine asked as she handed her her glasses."like I gave birth to a watermelon."she joked,everyone laughed."Alana,can we hold June LeAnn?"Dashiell Ellis asked,"hmmm,I don't know..."Alana said jokingly.Chris laughed,"oh why not,but you have to sit on the chair."she said.Chris got up and let one of the boys sit on the chair(Eamon Riley),"this already reminds me of Liam John and Dashiell Ellis."Eamon Riley remarked."well then you must be an expert."Chris said,handing June LeAnn to him.

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