Chapter 25

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Pat's pov
"Here it is guys,I sorted out a schedule for practicing."Alana said,handing all of us she handed Chris his paper I noticed him winking at her,she blushed and moved on to Nate.when she handed me the paper I noticed something on her arm,but it was half covered up due to her rolled up sleeve."what's that?"I asked her,"what's what?"she asked.I pointed at her arm,she blushed in embarrassment."I-It's a tattoo."she replied,"a tattoo?!"Dave,Rami,Taylor,and Nate exclaimed.Alana's face got redder,"I-It was Chris' idea!"she exclaimed."well to be fair she asked me where I got my tattoos,I didn't think she'd get one."he said,"can we see it?"Taylor asked."uh,s-sure."she said,she fully rolled up her sleeve and revealed her tattoo:which was the In Utero Angel.

Nate whistled,"man Shifty,your tattoo artist is just too good."Dave said.Chris smirked and drank some beer,"it doesn't look too bad."I finally spoke.Alana pulled down her sleeves,"I gotta go,I'll see you guys later."she said."Where are you going?"Taylor asked,"I gotta return some clothes that didn't fit."she replied.she walked off,as she did I noticed Chris checking out her butt.I gave him a look,he just looked at me and smiled.I sighed and jokingly rolled my eyes,Rami gave me a confused look but I just shrugged."why are you guys having a telepathic conversation?"Nate asked,"Dave and I have them all the time,so I'm not really questioning whatever the fuck is happening between you three right now."Taylor said.

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