Chapter 9

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Alana's pov
As I slowly woke up I realized I wasn't in my bed,or my apartment,also someone's arms were wrapped around me.I looked up and widened my eyes,Chris was sleeping with his arms wrapped around me.I looked down and saw that we were naked,"OH MY GOD!I SLEPT WITH CHRIS!"I thought.I tried not to panic,but it was pretty hard.I mean,Chris is basically one of my bosses.and I never ever wanted to be the type of girl who sleeps with their boss,but...we did tell each other that we loved each other,that I remember.but I'm still terrified of Dave or anyone else finding out,tears rolled down my cheeks as the thought of losing my job and Chris being kicked out of the band swirled in my head again.Chris stirred as he began to open his eyes,"baby?"he said.I quickly wiped my tears,"Y-You're a-awake."I stuttered.

He quickly noticed that I was crying,"what's wrong?"he asked as he sat up a bit."I-I-"I stuttered,"hey,hey,look at me."he said as he cupped my cheeks,I looked at him as he wiped my tears with his thumbs."it's ok."he assured me,I sniffed."I'm just worried."I admitted,"about us?"he asked.I nodded,"you're just..."i trailed off.suddenly my phone buzzed,I grabbed it off the floor."it's Dave,I have to go get the drinks now."i said,"Alana wait."Chris said as he grabbed my wrist.I looked at him,"lemme help you with that."he said."B-But won't Dave be suspicious?"I asked,"you just tell him I gave you a ride because you had car trouble."he replied.

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