Chapter 75

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Chris' pov
I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could,ignoring the guys yelling at me to slow down.Cara called me in the middle of practice and told me that Alana's water broke,I was not going to miss the birth of our daughter.I nearly tripped as I entered the hospital,I was out of breathe but I was not gonna give up so soon."Chris!"Rebecca said,she rushed towards me and helped me up."come on come on!"she said,rushing me down a hall.some nurses quickly put me in some scrubs,I entered the room and saw Alana.she looked like she was in so much pain,and yet she still was able to smile when she saw me."C-Chris,you came."she said,I could tell that even talking was putting her in a lot of pain.I went to her side and immediately grabbed her hand,"I'm here."I whispered as I gently kissed her forehead.

No one's pov
The guys,girls,and kids were all in the waiting room patiently(and nervously)waiting.Dave was fully prepared to help Chris out with his first daughter,he is after all an expert on girls since he does have three.minutes passed by,and it almost turned to hours.a nurse stepped into the waiting room,holding a clipboard."are you all here for Alana Valance?"she asked the group,everyone stood up."how is she?"Nate asked,"miss Valance is fine and has successfully given birth to her baby girl."the nurse replied with a smile.everyone cheered,"can we see the baby lady?"Eamon Riley asked the nurse."not yet,but don't worry you'll see her in a couple of hours."the nurse replied,"that's ok,we just can't wait to see our sister."Liam John said.

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