Chapter 14

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this is Alana's swimsuit

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Now let's start the chapter!

Alana's pov
Rami and his girlfriend Christine offered to give me a ride to the beach,knowing that Rami would still force me if I said no,I accepted."Pat should be here soon with Rebecca and Scarlett."Rami as as he parked his car."you know I've never even met his wife and kid,have you ever met them?"I asked,he nodded."they're really nice."Christine replied,"well it looks like I'll be meeting them for the first time."i said.we got out of the car,as I closed the door Rami went around to the trunk to get the surfboards.

"wow,it's beautiful out here."i said,repositioning my glasses."Taylor's good at picking beaches."Christine said,putting on sunglasses.we then heard a car honk,we turned around."speak of the devil,there he is."Rami said as Taylor pulled up on his jeep.When he parked the car his kids,Oliver Shane and Annabelle,practically jumped out of the car and ran towards the beach."W-Wait for me!"i said nervously,following them."are you Alana?"Oliver Shane asked me,I nodded.

"oh,don't worry about us then!it's uncle Dave's kids you should be more worried about."he said,I laughed.but Annabelle and Oliver Shane looked serious,I gulped."really?"I asked,Annabelle nodded."can you help us make sandcastles for now?"Oliver Shane asked,"S-Sure thing."I said.

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