Chapter 22

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Pat's pov
Chris came in looking extremely happy today.Rami raised an eyebrow and looked at me,I shrugged and pretended that I didn't know why he was so happy(when in reality I did know)."well someone seems to be in a good mood."Rami pointed out as Chris opened the fridge and grabbed a beer,"yep."he said as he cracked it open."well,it's good to see you happy."i said,sipping my water.Rami eyed me suspiciously,I gave him a confused look."hey Pat,can I talk to you about something?in private?"he asked,"oh,sure Rami."i said.I closed my water bottle and put it down,Rami and I got up and left Chris alone in the room.we went off to the hallway,"ok somethings up with Chris,not that that's not a good thing or anything."he said."he's happy,Isn't that what matters?"I asked,"yeah but I feel like you know something."he said.

"Maybe I do know something,something you don't know."

"So then tell me!"


"Why not?"

"Because Chris will get in trouble."

He tilted his head in confusion,"how?"he asked.I looked around before whispering,"because he's doing something he shouldn't."he widened his eyes."drugs?"he whispered,I sighed and faced palmed."no Rami not drugs."i said,"then what?"he asked.suddenly I heard Alana say,"P-Pat,Rami,Dave's looking for you guys."we turned around and saw her holding a clipboard.Rami eyed her neck,then he widened his eyes."Ok Alana,tell him we're coming."Rami said,she nodded and walked off.Rami grabbed me by my arms and shook me a bit,"Shiflett's sleeping with the intern?!"he whispered."it's more then that,they like each other."i said as he let go of me,"shit."he repeated as he paced around.

Rami's pov
"Rami,listen to me."Pat said,grabbing me by my arms."no one can know,understand?"he said,"but you know."I pointed out.he sighed,"ok look:only we can know."he explained."Chris and Alana seem happier together,I mean haven't you noticed that Alana seems less nervous around here?"he pointed out.I thought about it for a moment,"you do make a good point..."I said."let's not ruin this for him Rami,he's finally happy."he said,I nodded in agreement.

"it wasn't fun seeing him so depressed after Cara."I reminded him,he nodded in agreement."it won't be fun seeing him like that again if Dave or Taylor or even Nate found out."he said,I held out my pinky."our secret."i said,we shook pinkies."our secret."he repeated,we walked off and back into the room."there you guys are!come on,I came up with a new song and I wanna practice it."Dave said,"alright alright calm down mrs.Grohl."Pat joked.

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