Chapter 23

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Chris' pov
"Have you thought about what kind of tattoo you're getting?"I asked Alana."yeah I did,"she replied,"how's this?"she asked as she held up a picture.I gently took it from her hand and looked at it,the picture was a tattoo of the In Utero Angel.

I gently took it from her hand and looked at it,the picture was a tattoo of the In Utero Angel

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"Dave's gonna kill you if you get that."i joked,handing her back the picture."Well Dave isn't my man,you ar-"she immediately covered her mouth,I widened my eyes."what were you gonna say?"I asked curiously,"nothing!nothing!"she squeaked.I backed her up against the wall,"if you don't tell me,I'll punish you right here."I whispered in her ear.she gulped,"Dave's not my man,you are."she said.I smirked,I passionately kissed her.she pushed me away,"Chris no,what if someone walks in on us?"she said.I sighed,"you do have a point."i said.she gently kissed my cheek,"secret."she reminded me."secret."I repeated,she smiled.

"Wanna go back to your place or my place?"

"But Chris what about the tattoo?"

"You can get it tomorrow Alana,I want you now damnit."

Alana's pov
Chris and I both moaned as we both came,he pulled out of me and laid beside me.we immediately began to cuddle,"that was fucking great."he said."not for me."i joked,he gave me a serious look."I'm kidding I'm kidding!"I quickly assured him,"but I am feeling a little bit sore,and now I have to use more makeup."i pointed out."I  can't help leaving hickeys on your neck Alana,your body just drives me nuts."he said,I blushed.he buried his face into my neck,I giggled as he kissed my hickeys(his beard was ticking my neck).

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