Chapter 28

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Alana's pov
After laying on the floor for about an hour I slowly stood up,I took a deep breath and walked to my room and began to pack up everything I needed."I can't stay here anymore,I have to go."I thought,I grabbed my packed bag as well as my phone and I began to walk out the front door I saw a framed picture of me and Chris,I lifted it up and smiled,remembering that date:Chris was wearing a disguise and we were at Disney California.I remembered that I was too scared to go on the "death wheel" so Chris distracted me by taking me to other rides.


Alana's pov
I couldn't believe what i was seeing,I was really in Disney California!I've always dreamed of going to Disney,but I could never really afford it."now this is certainly a nice surprise."i said to Chris,feeling starstruck.he smiled,"I'm glad you like your surprise."he said.he adjusted his disguise a bit and gently kissed me,I smiled as I kissed him back."so,what do you want to go on first?"he asked,i looked around the park a bit,only to widen my eyes and gulped as my eyes landed on the Ferris wheel.the Ferris wheel in Disney California is also known as the "death wheel" because,well,it's dangerous!I held onto Chris' arm,not keeping my eyes off of the wheel.

"Cant keep your eyes off the death wheel?"he asked,snapping me out of my trance."S-Sorry it's just...I've heard so much about it."he chuckled,"I get it,"he assured me."when I took the boys here it was the first thing they wanted to go on."he explained,"they must be adrenaline junkies."i joked.Chris and I both laughed,"golly,I wonder who they get it from."he joked back.we laughed again,"well listen,if you do want to ride it,"he held my hand.I blushed and looked at him,"I'd be happy to go on it with you."he said.I widened my eyes,"I-I don't know..."I admitted."it's alright."he assured me,pulling me closer to him."how bout we go on other rides?"he suggested,I quickly nodded.

End of flashback!

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