Chapter 78

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Alana's povChristine was on full wedding planner mode

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Alana's pov
Christine was on full wedding planner mode.this was definitely her career now and I didn't question it one bit,I mean unless you want to(although I think it's just so interesting how a girl can go from a model to a wedding planner)."Christine can't you relax just a little bit?"i said as I breastfed June LeAnn,"no way!your wedding is like,in a month!as your wedding planner and friend,I gotta make sure it's perfect!like Ross and Emily's wedding before he said Rachel's name at the alter."she said.I sighed and shook my head,after I finished feeding June LeAnn I managed to put a towel on my shoulder."I mean,have you and Shiflett at least picked a theme?"she asked as I put June LeAnn on my shoulder,"I mean,he wants a country theme."i said as I began to gently pat June LeAnn's back."of course he does."she said,laughing.

I giggled,"I don't mind it at all."i said.June LeAnn burped,"good job baby!"I cheered as I held her up.she squealed and cooed,I held June LeAnn in my arm and took the towel off of my shoulder."mmm,June LeAnn seems to be a problem."Christine said in a joking way,"oh relax Christine,Cami said she'll help take care of her."I assured her."wait really?wouldn't it make more sense to let Dave help take care of her?"she asked,"well yeah,but Cami's already coming to the wedding so she might as well help take care of her."I explained.

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