Chapter 18

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Alana's pov
Time was against me,at least that's what I thought.After Rami and Christine dropped me off at my apartment I somehow had enough time to hit the shower,get changed,and start making some food for me and I made food I realized that it was pointless,since we just had some barbecue.realizing it was too late to back out,i finished making the food and put it into two plates.I put them off to the side,rushing to my living room to look for some music to play.I didn't have a single country song,so I had to plug my phone into a speaker.I pulled up one of Chris' albums and let it play,I sighed."everything's gonna be fine,this is going to go well!"I thought,and that's when I heard it:thunder.I squeezed and jumped,I looked out the window and saw rain starting to come down.

I widened my eyes,"I think the gods hate me."I thought.I quickly dug into my pocket and dialed Chris' number,"hey Alana!"he answered."I think Mother Nature doesn't want us going on a date."i said,he laughed."don't worry about it Alana,look:I'm on my way,I just dropped off the boys.I'll be there soon,ok?"he said,"ok just...try not to rush,ok?"i said."of course baby."he said,I blushed."I....I love you."i said,"I love you too baby,I'll see you soon."he said.then the call ended,I dropped my arm down.I shoved my phone back in my pocket and buried my face in my hands,"I can't believe I said that...and he said it back..."I mumbled.

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