Chapter 36

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Chris' pov
"Are you a cowboy?you talk like one!"

"How long have you been with our aunt?"

"You look like Owen Wilson,are you Owen Wilson?"

"Kids,kids,leave Mr.Shiflett alone."Cami's husband,Henry,said as he set the breakfast table.I chuckled,"it's fine,they kinda remind me of my kids."i said."you have kids?how many?"Daisy,Cami's daughter,asked."three."I replied,she gasped."Wowie!"she exclaimed,"are they boys or girls?"Greg,Cami's son,asked."they're all boys."I replied,"yes!more people to play with!"Greg cheered.

"I-I'm sorry about them,they can be quite a handful."Alana said as she sat down next to me."nah it's ok,it reminds me of my kids."i said,Cami sat down next to Henry."you guys can stay here as long as you want,but you gotta contribute to the house."she said,"yes ma'am."i said as I saluted her.she jokingly rolled her eyes,Greg immediately grabbed some bacon.this was nice,all of this.I smiled as I watched Alana eat,I was picturing a life with her.I chuckled,thinking about what our children would look like.I snapped back to reality and ate my food,trying to hide my smile.

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