Chapter 73

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Alana's pov
Cami and my parents were back in their homes,and I was finally in my third trimester.Chris was extremely overprotective and I felt like I couldn't even do a single thing,luckily I had Christine,Kate,and Rebecca otherwise I'd lose my fucking mind."how are you feeling girlie?"Allison asked,even Taylor was being overprotective and insisted that Allison should watch me with Christine,Kate,and Rebecca while the guys practice and get ready for tour(which won't happen until a couple of months after the baby's born).I sighed,"can I be honest?"I asked.she nodded,"let it all out."Christine encouraged as she walked into the living room(holding two cups of champagne for her and Allison)."I'm just really glad you guys are here with me,because I'm about to lose my mind."i admitted,"don't worry Al,in a few months-"

"Or weeks!"

"Right,in a few months or weeks all of that overprotectiveness will fly out the window."Rebecca tried to assure me,I sighed."have you guys thought of any names yet?"Allison asked,"we did finally settle on one name,June."I replied."oh god,I can only imagine what weird Shiflett middle name she has."Christine joked,I giggled."her full name is June LeAnn Shiflett,"i said,"awww,what a cute name!"Rebecca said.we then heard the door swing open,we all turned our heads and saw Rami sliding across the floor on his knees."oh honey,I'm home!"he jokingly said,making Christine giggle,she walked towards him and helped him up,"this isn't our house."she jokingly reminded him.

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