Chapter 15

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Chris' pov
"YAY THE BEACH!"Liam John cheered.Eamon Riley,Liam John,and Dashiell Ellis all scrambled to get out of the car."woah!woah!hold on kids hold on,first we gotta put sunscreen on you guys."I said,they all whined.I got out of the car and grabbed the sunscreen,"line up."i commanded.they all lined up,I began to put sunscreen on Eamon Riley first.

Quick A/N:these are the actual names of Chris' kids,no joke

By the time I put sunscreen on Dashiell Ellis Nate and Kate showed up with their son Noah."hey guys!"I greeted them,"can we go to the beach now daddy?I can already see uncle Taylor and uncle Rami!"Liam John said.I chuckled and shook my head,"ok fine,go ahead."i said.they cheered and ran off,"go with them Noah."Nate said as he got out of the car.Noah cheered and followed my sons,"looks like Cara let you have the kids."he said as I walked up to him."yeah,it was difficult.I had to fight a bear,I also had to wrestle a bull."I joked,"how are you feeling Chris?"Kate asked me."I'm doing fine."I assured her,"let's go to the guys now."i said.we locked our cars and made our way to the beach,Taylor was already surfing.Nate chuckled,Kate made her way to Allison.

Rami and Christine were making sand castles with Oliver Shane,Alana,Annabelle.I blushed when I saw her,she looked really beautiful in her swimsuit.Rami noticed me and tapped on her shoulder,she looked at him.he pointed at me,she looked at me.I smiled and waved at her,she blushed.she smiled and waved back,"YAYYYYY!"my sons cheered.they ran towards the water and began to splash each other,Alana walked towards me and stood beside me."those are your boys?"she asked me,"yep.that's Eamon Riley,Liam John,and Dashiell Ellis."I replied."those are some interesting names."she pointed out,"more interesting then Oliver Shane and Annabelle?"I asked."I'm pretty sure Taylor named Oliver Shane after himself."she pointed out,I chuckled.

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