《Chapter 1》

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Tommy POV

I was live, streaming on Twitch. I was playing Minecraft on the DreamSmp with Tubbo and Ranboo. We were messing around having fun, but it had been about 2 hours now and it was about that time.

"Alright Boys, I think were gonna end it here for tonight." I told the chat.

"Bye Tubbo, Bye Boob boy!" I yelled into the mic. Then I quickly messaged them to stay on.

I deafened and said a quick goodbye to the viewers, ending the stream. I undeafened and waited a while for the boys to do the same as they ended their own streams.

Then Ranboo undeafened first and he asked, "You heading to bed?"

"Yeah boob boy, how about you?"

"Well, it's only 7 over here so probably not." He laughed.

I laughed, "Sorry, I forgot about the time difference."

"Yeah, well once I head over there, I'll have to adjust." He sighed.

"So what're you gonna do in the mean time?" I asked him.

"Probably play some Minecraft and then scroll through social media for a while. Then hopefully I'll fall asleep for once." He awkwardly laughed.

Tubbo had undeafened, "You outta get more sleep Boss Man."

Ranboo sighed, "Yeah.....probably."

"Well, your night sounds depressing Ranboo. Sorry I can't stay and chat, but I need to call back my girlfriend." I smiled to myself.

Ranboo POV

Oh my gosh!

I absolutely hate Tommy's girlfriend. The most awful person ever.

It's not like I've ever met her, but I didn't have to.

"Perhaps another time then, see ya Tommy." I said.

"Goodnight Ranboo. Goodnight Tubbo." He replied.

"Night Big Man." Tubbo said.

And with that he had left the vc. Now it was just me and Tubbo.

"Are you excited Boss Man?" Tubbo asked me.

"Yeah, I'm really excited.....,so I'll see you in a week?" I asked.

"See you in a week. Goodbye for now, Ranboo." He said.

"Bye Tubbo." And with that I sat in the empty call by myself.

I sighed and then left the vc, closing all my tabs. I turned my PC off and then went over to my bed. I layed down and stared at the ceiling. I put my earbuds in and let myself become lost in the music of some random song by some random artist.

I wasn't lost in thought, rather lost in my head.....like most nights.

Restless....yet with no reason.

I could think of one...but I tried not too.

I was still trying to accept it and let it go so that when I finally meet my two best friends, there wouldn't be tension or awkwardness.

Tubbo POV

I turned my PC off and went to lay down in my bed. Ranboo would be here in the UK in about a week and me and Tommy would finally get to meet him in real life.

Excited? Ofcourse I was.....and yet, just as nervous. I knew about Ranboo's small crush on Tommy, yet I never spoke of it. It wasn't that big of a deal and Ranboo was in the process of letting it go.

Originally we were going to cancel the meet up because Ranboo didn't feel ready. However, we'd all been looking forward to it, and Ranboo said he should be fine by then.

I closed my eyes, and then dozed off to sleep. Letting myself dream and sleep quietly and peacefully in my comfy bed.

Tommy POV

"Goodnight darling." She said kissing the camera.

"Night." I smiled and then hung up.

I liked my girlfriend, but sometimes she came on a little strong. Either way, I was happy and looking forward to the meet up with Ranboo and Tubbo next week.

I'd met Tubbo in person, already and we've had many meet ups. He's only about a two hour train ride away.

However, I was yet to meet Ranboo. I've seen his face ofcourse, but I don't see it very often. I'm looking forward to meeting him though.

I looked up at the ceiling and tried falling asleep, but I just couldn't. I knew Ranboo would be awake right now, so I decided to call him.

It rang a few times and then he picked up. I saw a black screen and he said, "What's up Tommy?"

"Nothing. Just bored and you said you'd be up." I yawned.

"You should go to bed." He told me.

"Why? It's been a while since we called like this.....why'd we stop anyways?" I asked.

Ranboo POV

I had stopped having calls with Tommy because I was beginning to catch feelings. Luckily, it also stopped because it messed with my sleep schedule, so that's what I'd tell him.

"Messed up my sleep schedule." I told him blandly.

"Oh yeah that's right. It messed up mine too." He laughed.

Tommy was so different when it was just us. He wasn't as routy and he didn't act like we were rivals as he did on social media and on streams. There was a soft spot to him.

"Ranboo? You there King?" He asked.

"Yeah, sorry.....lost in thought." I told him.

"What about?"

"Nothing much, I'm just excited to meet everyone when I come to the UK." I replied.

He smiled into the camera, "Me too. I can't wait. It'll be awsome, we'll have irl streams and vlogs. So much content, the fans and stans will go buzurk!"

I sighed, "Yeah, it'll also be nice to meet you and Tubbo."

He laughed, "Sorry....got a little carried away, but yeah. I can't wait to meet you. I want to see if your actually taller then me."

"I am."

"We'll see." He snickered.

"You should head to bed now Tommy, it's like- 1 over there."

He sighed, "Yeah, I guess so. Goodnight Ranboo, talk to you later."

"Goodni-" he had ended the call....I sighed to myself.

Tommy POV

I think I heard him say something, but I had already ended the call. I was tired all of a sudden and eventually my eyes fluttered shut and I fell asleep.

Ranboo POV

Not even an hour has passed. This is going to be a long night.

I sighed to myself and stared at the ceiling in thought....

Can I ignore it?....

1,041 words
Your in for a journey yall. Thankyou for reading :)

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