《Chapter 16》

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Ranboo POV

Why does Tommy want to do this?.....I get that it's 100 subs, but...could he possibly-

No....God, how could I possibly think that again. I'm such an idiot....he already said that's not the case....and he said it's only for the subs...yeah.

He laughed and turned me around to face opposite of the stream. He lifted my glasses to the top of my head and he slowly pulled down my mask to reveal my face only to him.

He smiled and asked, "May I?"

I blushed pink and nodded. He placed a kiss with his soft pink lips onto my cheek. I blushed and when he pulled away I brought down my glasses. Then I pulled up my mask and turned back to the stream.

They were asking questions again and I think me and Tommy both knew this would blow up everywhere.

I sighed, "Please chill out chat. It was just a meaningless kiss on the cheek between two friends. No need to-"

"Guess who's trending on Twitter?" Tubbo asked walking in.

Tommy groaned, "All ready?"

Tubbo laughed, "Did you guys actually?"

I sighed, "Yeah...,but it was the cheek."

Tubbo laughed, "Tomboo is number one trending on Twitter."

Tommy put his face in his hands, "I'm sorry Ranboo....I should've-"

"Don't worry bout it. I don't mind." I assured him.

He nodded and smiled. Then he opened his phone and I saw his notifications. He had a bunch from his 'girlfriend' and some from Wilbur and....Techno? Wierd.

The oven beeped and I went to get it. I took out the cake and set it aside to cool. The rest of the stream was pretty chill, and we frosted and tasted the cake. Then we said bye and ended the stream shortly after.

"Ranboo, did you guys eat?" Tommy asked.

I went to the fridge and got out his sandwich, "Yeah, I made you a sandwich."

I gave it to him and he started eating then I left to my room and layed down on my phone.

I wonder if we'll get awkward.

Tommy POV

I sat at the counter eating my sandwich Ranboo had made for me. I opened my messages from Techno first cause I knew they'd be the least harsh.

Hey Tommy
I don't wanna be wierd or anything
But you can tell me things
I saw Twitter, but I really just wanna know if your okay with what's going on
Message me when you can. No rush :)

Simple and sweet. That was Techno alright.

Now I opened Wilbur's messages.

Message me when u get the chance.
I'd like to know what's going on.

I sighed and then moved on. Now I opened my messages from Julie.


I looked at the contact name and immediately changed it.

What the hells this Twitter crap?
And why are viewers saying your gonna break up with me?
You better clear this shit up.
I hope you know you can't just break up with me.
Call me now, I'm pissed.

I finished up my sandwich and then called her. It didn't even ring and she picked up.

"What the fuck Tommy?!" She yelled, "What the fuck are you thinking!?" She slammed her hand on a desk and it made a loud sound then she got softer, "Look, clear this up alright? I know you think I'm mad about yesterday, but I'm not anymore. There's no reason for us to split. I love you okay Tom Tom?"

I nodded, "Okay....I'll clear it up..."

She smiled, "Good. And could you send me some money, I've been running low. Thanks Tom Tom, bye!"

She hung up and I teared up, I fucking hate her...to think I ever thought I might be inlove! Why can't anybody love me for who I am? Not my fucking money or fame! God, I hate myself! I wish I didn't have to live like this....with no one who can just be there for me when I need them. I just want one person to have to myself...one person who will love me romantically. I need someone, I can't do this anymore.....I want to break up with her, but I'm too fucking scared! I need help...I can't do anything by myself....I'm so God dam pathetic. No one could ever love me.....I don't even love myself.

I broke down and started crying. Thank god no one was in the kitchen. I threw away my trash and quickly ran to my room. I slammed the door shut and jumped into my bed. I had my face in a pillow and cried.

As tears wet the pillow case, I lost hope for myself and love......there's no such thing.

There was a knock at my door, probably Tubbo. I wiped my tears, "Come in Tubs!"

In walked the tall dirty blonde now without his mask and glasses. He closed the door behind him and frowned, "Tommy, I'm sorry. I- I'll stop everything I'm doing. I never wanna hurt you, I really do care about you....and I'm sorry I made you cry."

How could he possibly think this is because of him?

I started crying again, "Ranboo it's not you! It's everything else! I hate who I am and I just want help with certain things, but I- I have no one to ask and-"

"Tommy, I'm here. You can always ask me. I'll always take care of you, remember?" He smiled and walked over sitting on the bed.

I hugged him and cried into his shoulder, "Ranboo.....I- I don't know how to get out of this relationship....I- I need help."

He hugged me tightly and I think he sniffled too, "Don't cry Bubba, she's not worth it. I've already told you, your so much better than this...."

I pulled away and looked in his eyes, "Ranboo, I- I really like you.....as a friend, but still."

He smiled and kissed my cheek, "I really like you as a friend too. Your one of my best friends Tommy."

I stuck up my pinky, "Can you promise me we'll always be friends, no matter what?"

He linked his pinky with mine, "I promise you, we'll always stay friends, no matter what."

I hugged him again and he hugged me.

Ranboo POV

I promise you Tommy. Friends no matter what....it hurts and it breaks me, but...

Even so,...the pain is worth having you in my life, because I will always love you.

1,103 words
Thanks for reading guys :>
That's all today.
Later Gaymers and Gamers! <3

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