《Chapter 18》

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Ranboo POV

He'd been laying with me between my legs for a while. I couldn't tell if he was asleep though, because his face was stuffed into my hoodie.

I needed to pee, so I nudged him to check If he was asleep or not. He just groaned in reply, so that didn't really tell me much. Then I moved his arms and he slapped my hand. So he's definitely awake....

"Tommy I need to pee." I told him.

".....and I need a pillow." He replied holding on tighter.

"There's one right there." I said pointing.

He shook his head, "....well, I need a comfy pillow."

"I can get you one." I said trying to move him again.

He groaned, "I need you to stay. Your the perfect pillow."

I sighed, "Tommy, I'm not your pillow. Let go of me before I piss my pants."

He whined, "Just as I was about to fall asleep too."

He moved off of me and then I got up and went to the restroom. When I came out and sat back down on the couch he layed down with me again. I didn't complain though. I just started playing with his hair again.

Then he asked, "Ranboo?"

"Mhmm." I hummed in reply.

"Can you walk with me to go get Coke...and can you buy me Coke?" He asked quietly.

I laughed softly, "Yes Tommy."

He looked up at me happy, "S-"

"Say it and I'm not going." I stopped him.

He laughed, "Okay."

What can I say....I'm a simp.

"Tommy you need to get up if you want to go get Coke." I said still running my fingers through his hair.

"You make me want to stay..." he mumbled.

I ruffled up his hair and moved him off me, "Alright, it's now or never."

He groaned and got up. He put his shoes on and so did I. Then we went walking to the nearest grocery store, which wasn't too far away.

As we walked down the sidewalk in silence, cars passing us by, I watched how he looked around and admired little details. It was something I'd never noticed about him before....he's very observant, and so was I, at least when it came to him. I watched as he looked around with his light blue eyes, walking slightly ahead of me.

He took a deep breath and turned, walking backwards to face me. He raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Ranboo, did you bring your wallet?..." I felt my pockets in a panic and then awkwardly laughed. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I brought mine....thanks anyways though."

"For what?" I asked slightly confused.

He turned back around to walk normaly, "For atleast offering to buy me Coke....it was nice of you...your nice Ranboo."

I blushed a light pink at his compliment, "Thankyou Tommy."

"Mhmm." He hummed then sighed, "....dam I'm tired."

I laughed, "Well, if we're quick you can have a nice long nap when we get back."

He groaned, "...I was hoping you'd offer to carry me....,but okay."

I laughed again, "Tommy, I only carried you then because you were drunk."

He rolled his eyes, "That whole night was a stupid disaster....that night ment nothing."

I knew we'd always be friends......and I know I keep saying I'm trying to let it go, but I still held onto the fact he wanted to kiss me...,but he was right....that night ment nothing. He was drunk after all.

"All of it?" Jeezus, what the hecks wrong with me?!

He laughed, "Yeah all of it. By far the worst night of my life."

"Even the spin the bottle?" I asked questioning further like an idiot.

I walked side by side with him now and he furrowed his eyebrows, "S- Spin the bottle? When?"

I laughed now, "You played spin the bottle, but I stopped you before you made a mistake."

"Did I kiss anyone?" He asked worried.

"Uh n-...why does it matter?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I- It doesn't....I'd just like to know."

I nodded, "No, I prevented it."

He sighed revealed, "Thankyou Ranboo. I remember something having to do with kissing that night, but I couldn't quite remember."

"What exactly do you remember from that night?" I asked.

He thought for a second then replied, "Well, I remember the beginning. Showing up, Tubbo wandering off, us getting drinks in the kitchen, me having to pee....and then it gets kinda hazy. I remember something about kissing and then I remember your face being close a couple times....laying on the grass...you talking about the sky.....and then getting on your back. I fell asleep I think, and then when we were at home you tucked me in, but dragged me to your room. And...well I don't remember how I got in your clothes and then I woke up feeling like shit."

I thought he had told me he remembered wanting to kiss me....

I took a deep breath and then said, "Well, I didn't drag you to my room, you asked to come with me. And you asked me for some clothes because you were uncomfortable and you changed in my bed. I already told you about the spin the bottle....and I think that's it."

He nodded then shook his head, "No, I remember you holding me and your face..."

"Well, at the spin the bottle....I stopped you from kissing this random girl. But, she said that if you two didn't kiss we'd have too, b-"

He interrupted me, "Did you kiss me?!"

I shook my head, "Wh- What? No, I just told them no and walked off with you...,but you really wanted to forget you had a girlfriend. So, you kept asking me to kiss you and you kept attempting to kiss me...because it was my fault you hadn't got to kiss the random girl."

He blushed a light pink of embarrassment, "Jeez, Ranboo I'm so sorry. I- I didn't know, and I hope you don't take it the wr-"

I stopped him, "Don't worry...." I smiled, "...We're friends."

He smiled, "Thanks Ranboo."

I nodded and continued smiling.

...it hurts the more I pretend.....and I can't take it....

We continued walking and we finally arrived at the grocery store. We walked in and Tommy ran towards the back of the store. I went to another isle and looked for some candy.

It had been a couple of minutes and I was starting to wonder where Tommy was. I found the candy though and so I grabbed some and then went looking for Tommy. I walked towards the back of the store where he'd gone and I saw him.

He was taking a picture with a fan. I walked over, but then I realized I only had my glasses and I didn't have my mask. I ran the other way and down the isle. I heard someone running after me and I covered my face....no, no, no, no...I- I can't have this happen...no, ple-

1,183 words
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Hotshot and Boorista out today :]
Later Gamers!

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