《Chapter 41》

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Tommy POV

It's been 2 weeks since I'd been apart from Ranboo. We've been making it work...sorta. It's a little hard, I will admit.....,but that's out of our control. We've sorta lost that physical connection....I'm not touch starved as much, yknow?- I mean I still love him obviously, I just don't have that want to touch him or to be touched. The first week away I was touch starved completely, but slowly I've been getting better. I do miss him a lot still....I mean- I miss Ranboo...a lot, a lot.

After around three days, I finally went home because-...of something. So right now I sat on my bed with Ranboo on a facetime call.

"You wanna stream babe?" Ranboo asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, let's do it."

"Kay, join my vc on discord- I'm gonna move to my computer." He said.

"Mkay." I smiled then waved.

He blew me a kiss then hung up. I went to my set up and got on discord. I waited in the vc with my camera on then Ranboo popped in.

"Hello beautiful." He smiled with his camera on. I blushed and he continued, "Did you wanna stream?"

"No, I streamed while you were sleeping." I chuckled, "You go ahead."

Ranboo nodded, "Kay...lemme do that...."

He went live on his account and kept it on the 'Starting Soon' screen. He got up and went to grab his glasses. Ranboo had ready face revealed, but he just felt a little more comfortable with the glasses on.

He came back and smiled at me, "I love you Tommy."

"I love you too Ranboo." My heart felt warm.

He raised an eyebrow, "Baby?...."

"Mhmm?" I hummed.

He bit his lip, "What's on your hand?"

I looked down at my hand. I had a band aid on the pointer finger, but I hadn't cut myself this time. I had got cut from helping my mum with breakfast. I accidentally missed and cut my finger.

"Ranboo, I didn't cut myself. I just made a mistake in the kitchen when I was cooking with my mum." I explained.

He sighed into a smile, "Right. Well good. Kay, let's stream now."

"Sorry I worried you babe." I frowned.

"No problem my love." He said.

I cleared my throat, "Love you!- Sorry, I had to get it out."

He chuckled then put his sunglasses on. He turned his camera on his stream, "Hey everyone! Today we have a special guest, the Tommyinnit!"

I laughed, "Hi chat!"

I wasn't really like a special guest- Cause everytime Ranboo streamed I was always there, and vice versa for Ranboo on my streams.

'He's always here'

'Hi Tommy!'

'Hey Ranboo :)'

I saw the chat. I giggled, "I am always here, huh?"

Ranboo rolled his eyes, "Yeah, so what? I like you here."

I blushed, but stayed silent.

The chat typed awes and oos.

Ranboo cleared his throat, "Mkay, so we're gonna play Minecraft!- Big surprise. So we can either make a new game and try to beat the game or play on the smp. What'll it be chat!?"

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