《Chapter 24》

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Tommy POV

"I feel like shit." I muttered.

"Probably shouldn't have eaten all those burnt gummy bears." Ranboo chuckled.

I shrugged, "Worth it."

Tubbo laughed, "I'd hardly say that, you look like shit too."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh piss off."

They laughed and got up. Ranboo offered me a hand and I took it. He pulled me up, then let go of my hand.

Bummer- What!?

I shook it off and followed the other two inside. We got to the living room and Tubbo yawned, "I'm gonna go hang in my room."

He then walked off down the hall. I looked at Ranboo who had sat down and was now taking off his mask and glasses. I smiled subconsciously as he did so. He probably noticed though, as he blushed and put his glasses on. I quickly looked away.

"Uhm...I think I'm gonna go to my room and....nap." I said.

"Kay." He muttered and pulled out his phone.

I walked out and down the hall. I went into my room and closed the door behind me. I lay down on my side and closed my eyes.


The door creaked opened and then closed.

I felt another lay down beside me and then an arm wrap around my side, "I almost forgot I had to stay with you....can I see your arms?"

I sighed and turned to face Ranboo, "I didn't- We were apart for like a minute."

He smiled and took his glasses off. Then he asked, "Can you just take the hoodie off?"

I nodded and sat up. I took the hoodie off and thew it to the floor. He grabbed my arms and looked at both. He nodded, "Good."

I pulled my arms away and lay back down, "You don't have to lay down with me if you don't want to. You can just leave my door open."

"Oh! Yeah, sorry....I- I'll just go then...sorry." He said getting up.

Fuck- I'm so rude...

"No please sta-" I turned around and he'd already left.

I blushed and buried my head in the pillow then muttered, "How embarrassing."

~Time Skip ~

"Hey Tommy, you up?" I heard Ranboo whisper.

I groaned and he nudged me, "Tommy you haven't eaten. Aren't you hungry?"

I sat up and stretched my arms. Then I looked at him and nodded. He smiled, "You done sleeping?"

I smiled, "Mhmm, did you miss my company?"

He chuckled then nodded, "Yep."

I blushed, "Really?"

He rolled his eyes, "C'mon Tommy, get up."

I got up and followed him to the kitchen where Tubbo was eating take out. I sat beside him and began eating too.

~ Time Skip ~

We'd all finished eating and thrown away our trash. I suddenly got a call and looked at the screen of my phone to see Julie's contact.

Before I could break out in a panic attack Ranboo moved my face up to look at him, "You think your ready?"

I nodded and he smiled, "Go on then."

I ran to my room then took a deep breath. I answered it and she exclaimed, "Tom Tom! Why haven't you answered any of my texts?"

"I was busy." I replied blandly.

She laughed, "Well, I need you to send over a very large amount. You know how much."

I gulped, "Actually I-"

"Hey....maybe I can come over? We can cuddle and stuff like before?...I know you miss me Tom Tom." She grinned.

Yeah right.

I saw Ranboo leaning on the threshold as I reply, "No. Can you let me spe-"

"No Tom Tom, I'll be over soon. Bye! I love you so much!" She smiled and blew kisses. Then she hung up and I huffed loudly.

I called her back and she answered, "Yes?"

"You never let me finish." I muttered.

"Oh!? My bad Tom Tom, go on." She smiled.

I sighed, "Don't call me that.....I want to break up."

She slammed her hand on her desk and I heard the loud bang as she said, "What?! You think you can just ditch me?!"

I clenched my fist, "Yeah, I can. We're over, so please stop trying to come in contact with me....And stop trynna use me for money. I know you are."

She huffed and through gritted teeth muttered, "Shut your mouth! You don't know what your talking about!"

I shook my head, "No. I know exactly what I'm talking about. And I'm not sending you anything ever again."

She took a calming breath, "How about I come over? I don't think your thinking straight."

"No. We're done....so leave me alone." I said and then hung up.

I blocked her number and Ranboo hugged me, "That's what you wanted...right?"

I nodded and let him hug me. I didn't hug back, for I was too in shock to move at all. I felt like I could have another panic attack right now in this moment....,but something about Ranboo's touch made me feel...safe.

I started to breath uneasily and take quick breathes....I knew the panic attack was about to happen.

Ranboo rubbed circles on my back, "Breath with me, yeah?"

I nodded and he counted, "One." He breathed in and I copied, "and two" He said exhaling, "Ready, one...and two. One....and two."

I copied him as he counted and slowly my breathing came back to normal. He'd prevented my panic attack and I was glad. I smiled ever so slightly, "Uhm...thanks."

He rubbed my shoulder, "Mhmm....you feel better?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Good. Now don't worry about anything alright hun?" He asked.

I blushed, "Mkay."

He layed me down, "Just rest....and if you need anything call out my name. I'll be in the living room."

He smiled and I nodded. He began to walk away, but I sat up and grabbed his arm, "Ranboo?"

He turned around, "Mhmm?"

"St-...uhm, would you....stay, perhaps?" I asked shyly.

He chuckled and nodded, "I'll sit at your desk."

"Uh- actually...could you just....lay with me? Please?" I asked.

He sighed and layed beside me, "Lay down Tommy."

I did as he said and layed down facing him. He looked back at me, but I couldn't see his eyes. His black sunglasses covered them up.

I reached for his glasses and gently moved them off, "You don't need them."

He blushed, "Thanks..."

I set them aside and scooted closer to him, "Hold me?"

He held my waist and pulled me very close. I layed my head against his chest and fell asleep.

Thank god for Ranboo.

Without him....who knows if I'd of been able to ever get away from Julie.

'I'm really glad you came Ranboo.'

1,119 words
Thanks for reading :]
Until next time Gaymers and Gamers!

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