《Chapter 37》

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Time Skipped

Ranboo POV

Tommy hugged me as we sat in the Uber on our way to the airport. These last months have been great, but I do miss my parents a little. I'd love to stay here and be with my boyfriend, but I can't.

My parents were already surprised by the fact I had a boyfriend. Not cause they don't know I'm bisexual- They do, and they fully support me. They're surprised cause they didn't expect me to have a boyfriend who was British and lived in the UK. They're worried about me having a relationship where I'm living in a different country. Which is understandable. But I know I won't be hurt.

"Y'know, I'm gonna miss him too." Tubbo said.

Tommy pulled me closer, "Shut up Tubbo."

I kissed Tommy's head and hugged him, "I'll come see you okay?"

He nodded then let go, "Say bye while you have the chance. Once we get in there, I'm gonna hug him and cry."

I frowned, "Don't cry."

Tommy looked away from me and out the window with a sigh. I turned to Tubbo and we hugged.

"Gonna miss having you around boss man. But, I will enjoy not having to third wheel." Tubbo chuckled.

I smiled, "I'm gonna miss you too...,but I'm really happy I got the chance to meet you in person finally."

"Yeah me too." He hummed and we hugged tighter.

We arrived and were dropped off. We parted and all got out of the car. I grabbed my two suitcases and we walked into the airport.

Tommy clung to my arm and we walked over to security. This was where we'd have to part. Unless they wanted to walk through security with me- Though I'm not sure they would.

I hugged Tubbo again, "Bye Tubbo."

"We're going through, now c'mon." Tommy said pulling me along.

I looked at him....his red teary eyes. He wasn't letting the tears poor over though.

So we took all the time to get through the long line at security.

~ Short Time Skip ~

We got past and walked over to my flight lobby for boarding. It was in like half an hour that we'd start boarding.

I left my suitcases by a seat and then sighed into a smile, "Well, guess this is it."

"We have thirty minutes babe." Tommy said and pushed me into the seat.

I stumbled back and fell in the seat. He curled up on my lap and hugged me, "You're not gonna ghost me, right?"

"Tommy, we were friends before we even met in person." I chuckled.

He hugged me tighter, "Still...you're gonna call every night and morning, right?"

I kissed his head, "Yeah....,but the time zones are different Tommy."

"So?! We'll make it work, okay!?" He sniffled becoming a little overwhelmed.

I rubbed his back, "Baby stop it..."

"We'll make it work?" He asked.

"We'll make it work." I repeated.

He parted and grabbed my face, "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled.

One tear fell and I wiped it away with my thumb. He leaned in and I stopped him with a hand to his chest, "We're in public Tommy."

He blushed and nodded.

Tubbo sat beside me on his phone. I know he cared. It just wasn't that deep for him, y'know?

"Call me when you land?" He asked.

I frowned, "It'll be night over there alre-"

"Call me when you land?" He asked again interrupting me.

"Yes, I'll call you when I land." I sighed.

"We're gonna fall asleep in face times over night, right?" He pleaded.

I nodded, "Yes Tommy."

"And we're gonna stream together pretty frequently?" He added.

"Yes Tommy." I smiled softly.

"Y- You're not gonna forget a- about me or fall out of l- love with me- o- or move on- or br- break up with me, right?" He cried softly into my shirt.

I scoffed, "I will not forget about you baby- And I sure as hell won't fall out of love with you, okay? I'm not moving on, cause there's nothing to move on from, when I'm still with you. And no- I am not breaking up with you, got that?"

He nodded, "Mkay..."

I teared up and kissed his head. I hugged him close and he snuggled into me.

Tommy POV

An ocean away is nothing when you love someone, right?

So I have nothing to worry about when Ranboo leaves.

We're gonna call and text so much, that we might even get a little tired of each other sometimes.

It's gonna be just like we're together in the same place at the same time.

Nothing had to change....Everything can just stay exactly as is.

"Nothings gonna change...right Ranboo?" I asked finally.

"Oh my love, I'm not gonna lie to you. Stuff is gonna change. We won't be able to kiss, hug, hold hands, or even touch....I know it's gonna drive me crazy not being able to hold you." He sighed, "But...our relationship will stay the same, okay?....Just as strong."

I cried again, "I'm gonna be miserable Ranboo. Not being able to hug you?...Or kiss you?" I cried into his shirt again, "I'm gonna miss you so much."

He hugged me tightly and I cried, "Don't leave!"

He lifted my face up to look at him, "Don't beg me to stay- Cause you know I will."

I sniffled and wiped my face, "Ranboo...I don't want to be away from you."

"I'll visit....We'll see each other again, okay?" He gave me a small, sad, smile.

I gulped and sniffled, "When?....How can you be certain?- When will we see each other again?"

He took a shaky breath, "I- I dunno..." I began to cry even more, then he said, "Your birthdays in April, right?"

"You don't know my birthday?" I asked.

"Its April 9th." He smiled then added, "I promise you I'll be back by then, mkay?"

"Ranboo we're in mid September." I frowned, "You're saying the best you can promise me is 7 months from now!? That's more than half a year."

He sighed, "There's not much more I can promise Tommy."

"November 2nd.....Can we promise that?" I asked hopeful.

He sighed, "My birthday?"

"Yeah...please?" I asked and laced our fingers together.

He gave in, "Fine, by my birthday...I pro- Tommy I'm not gonna promise you something I definetly can't keep."

I cried, "I know, I know....I'm just gonna miss you."

He kissed my head, "I'm gonna miss you more."

1,093 words
I was late cause I was syncing everything to my new phone! So now I have a new one :]
Kay, well later Gamers and Gaymers.

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