《Chapter 33》

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Tommy POV

I opened the door and began to hyperventilate as I lay eyes on Julie.

She smiled sweetly, "Calm down Tom Tom, I just want to talk."

"Don't call him that." Ranboo said and pulled me by my waist to his chest.

She reached her hand out and held mine, "Baby boy, just breath. Come here."

She tried to pull me into a hug. I pulled away then turned around and hugged Ranboo while crying and whimpering.

He rubbed my back, "Just leave us alone Julie."

I buried my head in Ranboo's chest as she replied to him, "Let me talk to him!"

"He doesn't want to talk to you! Can't you tell!?" Ranboo yelled and tightened his grip.

"I'll be back." She said sounding really angry.

"Kay, and I'll be here every time to shoo you away." Ranboo replied.

She chuckled, "Aren't you from America?"

"Yeah...and?" Ranboo asked.

"You'll have to go back eventually. Which means this little love affair you two got going on won't last. And one day I'll come see Tommy, and you'll be gone." She smiled.

....She's right.

Ranboo can't stay here...

I cried into his shirt from realization.

"Shut up and leave!" Ranboo yelled then slammed the door shut right in her face.

Ranboo rubbed my back comforting me as he softly spoke, "I'm not leaving you. I might be leaving the U.K. eventually, but I'm not leaving you, okay. We'll still be together, alright?"

I nodded however I still cried, "When will I see you again?"

"Baby...That's not till a month and a half away okay?- So just enjoy being us while we can." He told me and kissed my head.

"Mkay." I hummed.

I let it all out right there and when I was finally done I pulled away. I wiped my face sniffled then smiled, "Let's go watch movies babe."

He blushed and smiled. We held hands and walked back over to the couch. I leaned on Ranboo and he held my side while rubbing it up and down slowly. Just as we were before.

Time Skip

Ranboo POV

"We should film another vlog." Tommy smiled.

The movie had just finished and Tubbo had joined us a short while ago.

"I'll invite some people!" Tubbo exclaimed as he grab his phone.

"What should we do Ranboob?" Tommy asked me.

I raised my eyebrows, "Been a while since that one." We laughed then I continued, "Well, I dunno- I wouldn't know what to do around here."

"Hmmm...How about we go mini golfing?" Tubbo asked.

"Sounds good." Tommy said then poped up off the couch.

Tubbo and I got up too, then all went to get dressed and ready in our own rooms.

I got in my room then immediately left and went to Tommy's room. I burst in, "Lemme see your a-"

"It was a couple seconds Ranboo." He chuckled.

I crossed my arms, "Yeah, your right....,but don't laugh about it...I don't find this funny, okay?"

He nodded, "Kay."

He took some clothes out of his closet then blushed, "I know we're dating and like- inlove and stuff, but uh- I don't feel comfortable just being almost naked around you- And I'm not changing infront of you."

"I'll turn around." I said and turned around.

He was hesitant but then sighed, "Fine."

He changed and then tapped my shoulder, "Kay, let's go get you changed now."

We walked over to my room and I just changed. I didn't care if Tommy saw me shirtless or pantless- Or both....Just not naked. Plus- I've layed shirtless with him before. Though it could be Tommy is a little more self conscious than I am.

Tommy stood there bright pink.

I chuckled, "Why didn't ya turn around?"

He shrugged then mumbled, "I...-ted....see."

"I can't understand you when you're mumbling like that, speak up." I said.

"I wanted to see." He turned red.

I went over to him and kissed his nose, "You're adorable."

He rolled his eyes then we left out to the living room. Tubbo joined us and smiled, "I got Wilbur and Phil to come along. That should do."

"Yep, now c'mon." Tommy said and grabbed my hand.

I grabbed my sunglasses and we all walked out then locked the house behind us. Then we walked to the train station to head into the city.

~ Time Skip ~

We got to the mini golf course and looked around for Wilbur and Phil.

Tommy had been holdimg my hand and I remembered we were in public. I let go and put my hands in my pocket.

Tommy looked up at me, "Did I do something?"

"Wh- What no! It's just that- we're in public and I don't want you to be like outed or possibly made assumptions about." I said awkwardly.

He smiled, "Oh...right, thanks?....I guess." He took my glasses that hung from my collar and put them on my face, "Cover up- You don't want anyone to take pictures. Oh and just incase- Keep a couple feet away from me- We don't want assumptions, y'know?"

I was so confused-...Is he upset?

What did I do?!

He walked like 2 feet away from me and looked at the floor. I took my sunglasses off and raised an eyebrow at him. He looked up and blushed then looked down.

I just walked back over to him, "You seemed mad when you were talking to me....What is it?"

"I'm not mad." He crossed his arms.

I scoffed, "Seriously Tommy- Just tell me what it is I did that bothered y-"

"Hey idiots! Get over here!" Tubbo yelled.

Tommy kissed my cheek and whispered, "Not mad, mkay?- Love ya."

He flashed me a fake smile and began to walk away, but I grabbed his hand, "Then what was that smile."

"Oh, you don't like my smile?" He asked.

I scoffed, "Wh- What are you talking about?"

He pulled his arm away, "Oh nothing love of my life!"

I raised an eyebrow again, "Wh-"

"Trust me- I'm not mad." He said and grabbed my face, "I'd kiss you- but I'd hate to be caught."

I smiled, "A quick kiss couldn't hu-"

"Well I mean if holding hands will- A kiss will, right?" He said and pulled away.

Another fake smile then he walked off to say hello to Wilbur and Phil. 

I was confused though, So does this mean he's not mad!?- Or is he still mad?!

1,080 words
Thanks for reading <3
Later ya'll :]

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