《Chapter 35》

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Tommy POV

Ranboo came back and decided to sit where Phil had before on the end across from me, because he probably didn't want to make them get up again.

I smiled happily, "Hay babe."

He smiled and reached for my hand on the side of the table, "Hello darling."

I held his hand, "I missed y-"

"Oh Ranboo, don't worry about it mate. We'll get up, I know you were talking to Tubbo." Phil smiled interrupting me.

Ranboo smiled back at Phil and got up, "Thanks- But I'm sorry to make you guys keep moving."

"No biggy." Tubbo smiled.

Rqnboo let go of my hand then they all got in the booth sitting as they originally had sat. I sighed and put my chin in my hand.

"Phil really blew your shot, huh?" Wilbur chuckled, "Sorry Tommy."

"Its whatever." I groaned.

Phil seemed confused, "What are you two talkin about?"

Will shook his head, "Nothing."

The waitress came back, but not with food. I think she came to check for refills maybe?

"Awe, whats got you down darling?" The waitress asked rubbing my back.

I pulled away from the touch and sat up, "Nothing, I'm fine."

She nodded, "Does this table need any refills?"

Wilbur put his cup forward, "Yeah."

Then Ranboo, "Yes please."

"Alright." She smiled and took the cups then looked to me, "Is there....anything I can do to help you?...Anything?"

Wilbur stifled a laugh and looked away. Phil seemed interested in my answer.

"Uh...No I'm alright." I said awkwardly.

She nodded then walked off.

Wilbur burst out laughing. I blushed, "It wasn't that funny."

"What's so funny?" Tubbo asked causing Ranboo to look too.

I locked eyes with Ranboo, finally he was looking at me. He smiled and I blushed then smiled back.

"Oh it was funny! She was tryna seduce him- I swear!" Will laughed.

I rolled my eyes and Ranboo raised an eyebrow, "Sorry?"

Phil clarified, "The waitress. She's been hitting on Tommy."

Ranboo furrowed his brows, "What?!"

Let's go!

Maybe jealousy isn't the best- But I like a jealous Ranboo. Not overly, just the right amount.

"Oh calm yourself Ranboo, it's not that bad." Will said calming down from his previous outburst of laughter.

"I'm not mad...or upset....I'm just- How did I not know this!?" Ranboo scoffed.

I shrugged and Phil said, "Maybe cause you were talking- But also cause it wasn't that noticeable anyway."

Ranboo nodded, "Kay...Well as long as you're not bothered....Tommy?"

I shook my head, "No..."

Ranboo bit his lip unsure and nodded then put his sunglasses on. He went back to talking while occasionally glancing at me. I could tell by the direction his head was facing.

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