《Chapter 40》

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Tommy POV

"Okay, okay chat- I'm gonna flip it!" Tubbo flipped the steak he'd been making.

I watched and occasioned made funny comments or remarks.

"Tommy?! Babe!?" I heard my Ranboo yell out from my phone.

I turned red then ran and hung up. I pocketed my phone and walked back over to the counter very awkwardly.

Tubbo turned light pink probably from second hand embarrassment. The chat went crazy. Tubbo went and muted the mics.

Then he said, "I don't think they'll be able to tell it's Ranboo. The voice was a little messy from the phone audio....,but Tommy- You sorta just...outed yourself?- I dunno, but chat knows it's a guy....."

Sure enough the chat was spamming things like,

'We Support!'

'Who tf was that!?'

'Tommy is gay!?'

'Who's his new boyfriend?'

'I thought he was straight'

'Is that his boyfriend?'

'Since when did he break up with his girlfriend?'


'Did they say babe?'

I unmuted, "I'm bisexual guys...and yes. That was my boyfriend, I broke up with my girlfriend a while ago. But, it doesn't matter who my spouse is. It's only his and I's buisness."

Tubbo pat my back then refocused on cooking, "Alrighty chat, let's try and refocus."

"I need to...make a call." I said then walked off stream.

I went to my ro- er Ranboo's room and lay down. I went to his contact and facetimed him.

Ranboo POV

I clicked on the live Twitch notification and saw the stream. The stream was on mute. Chat was storming Tommy with questions, which sucks. But fortunately, the chat couldn't tell it was me. Which is probably cause the call made me sound different, I dunno.

It seemed Tommy was loosing his grip. He unmuted then spoke, "I'm bisexual guys...and yes. That was my boyfriend, I broke up with my girlfriend a while ago. But, it doesn't matter who my spouse is. It's only his and I's buisness."

I smiled, Good job Tommy.

Congrats on finally coming out....I love you.

Tubbo pat Tommy on the back then tried to refocus on cooking, "Alrighty chat, let's try and refocus."

"I need to...make a call." Tommy said and then quickly walked off the stream.

Obviously he's about to call me.

I closed the Twitch app and waited a little less then a minute. I got Tommy's facetime and answered, "Hello Tommy."

"Ranboo?" He asked seeming nervous.

"Yes my love?" I asked.

He took a shaky breath, "I just came out....a- and now everyone knows I have a boyfriend...People keep saying it was so unexpected, and I-"

"Shouldn't care what they think. Because the only thing that matters is you and I." I cut him off and finished his sentence.

He sighed into a smile, "Yeah."

"Well, I saw you come out just now. And I'm really proud of you." I smiled.

He blushed, "Thanks."

"Mhmm, so are you gonna tell them about this mysterious boyfriend?" I asked him.

He blushed then shook his head, "If my mysterious boyfriend doesn't mind....I'd like to stay a secret till I'm ready."

"Your mysterious boyfriend says no problem. I'll wait till you're ready baby." I smiled at him.

"Thanks....Did you eat breakfast?" Tommy asked me, changing the subject.

I shook my head, "Just woke up."

"You should go eat." He said.

I nodded, "Well alright....talk to you later?"

He nodded and smiled, "Ofcourse. Love you Ranboo."

"I love you too Tommy- And remember, don't care what they think." I blew my Tommy a kiss.

He waved and then hung up. I got dressed and then went downstairs to get breakfast.

Tommy POV

I hung up and set the phone down on the nightstand. I went to Ranboo's desk and rummaged through the drawers. I found a paper clip...It was bent and unusable.

I bent it even more and took my pants off.

I love Ranboo so much....,but why am I gay?...Why couldn't Ranboo have been a girl?- Or me, why couldn't I have been a girl? Anything but gay....I just...hate myself so much.

I cut my thigh twice.

Flashback ~

My arm was grabbed and it was probably Ranboo. I'm pretty sure he was looking at my arm.

I heard a sniffled and so I shifted around then scooted closer to him. 

"I'm sorry I did this...It just....relieves me." I said quietly opening my eyes.

Ranboo sniffled again and cleared his throat, "Please- never do it again..."

With my other hand I moved his hair from his face, "Don't worry about it."

He shook his head, "Tommy...just....promise me?"

I sighed and then reached out my pinky finger, "I-...I promise....I won't hurt myself anymore."

Ranboo reached out his pinky finger and linked it with mine. When he pulled his pinky away he smiled, "Thankyou."

End of Flashback ~
(Chapter 22, but it's Tommy POV)

I tossed the paper clip into the trash and then teared up, Fuck...I broke his promise- again.

I cried and layed down in Ranboo's bed, Come back already Ranboo.

~ Time Skip ~

Ranboo POV

I just finished eating. I thanked my parents again and then facetimed Tommy. He answered, "Hello?"

He sounded....drained.

"You okay Tommy?" I asked, I couldn't see him cause the camera faced the cieling.

"I'm fine babe, what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to call you." I smiled into the camera.

He hummed.

I cleared my throat, "Uh...I saw that you were in my room when you were sleeping. Did you find the clothes I left you?"

He giggled, "Yeah....I'm wearing them now- Thanks by the way."

"Mhmm, so can I see my pretty boyfriend's face, or what?" I chuckled.

I heard shuffling and then I saw him. He smiled, "Here I am."

I smiled, "More beautiful than I remember."

Tommy blushed, "....I miss you."

I sighed, "I miss you more Tommy."

"No...I miss you so much Ranboo- I-.....wish you were here with me." He sighed.

I frowned, "Hang in there baby."

He nodded and sniffled, "I'm trying."

"I know it hard....I'm trying too." I sniffled then wiped my face.

I miss Tommy...a lot, a lot.

1,040 words
Super early :]
Hope you enjoyed, Later!

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