《Chapter 42》

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Tommy POV

"Thank god for me, finding all this gravel. Now go on Ranboob, dig." I said triumphantly.

He just did as told and I waited. Everytine gravel popped up I'd jump in and collect it before Ranboo. It ticked him off a little, but it was funny.

"Okay, I think that's enough." He said.

"Why?! What about for arrows Ranboob!?" I scoffed.

He huffed, "Fine..."

He continued and so did I.

Finally he snapped, "Man! If you don't quit it, I'm gonna kill your baby sheep."

My jaw dropped, "Ranboo! You would kill Boo?!"

"In a heart beat, my l- guy." Ranboo awkwardly said.

I blushed lightly then shook it off, "Right well, I'll stop then. Let's go back.

"Finally." Ranboo muttered.

So we began walking back to the cords I'd entered in the chat, which indicated where our Neather portal was.

~ Time Skip ~

We got to our Neather portal and I made a flint n steal. I lit the portal then second guessed going with Boo.

"I'll stay with Boo back here. Cause....he might get hurt in the hell fire, and I don't want him to run into lava, here." I made an excuse.

Ranboo scoffed, "Seriously?"

I shrugged, "What?....I love Boo."

Ranboo turned almost red, "God damit Tommy. He took out his sword and ran over to Boo.

I scoffed and ran away, "If you kill him, I'll kill you!"

"Oh shut up." Ranboo said trying to hit the sheep as it kept becoming out of range.

"Ranboo stop it!" I complained.

He huffed and stopped, "I hate that sheep."

I giggled, "I love him."

Ranboo ran and went in the Neather portal. I stayed outside of it and waited. I decided I'd do some mining to stay busy- Also cause I was bored.

~ Time Skip ~

Ranboo finally came back and then we went up to the surface to kill enderman. We waited till night and so began.

I saw one and ran over. So did Ranboo. We both began hitting it and then I heard a sheep's bah and gasped.

I looked to my side and there was mutton, pink wool, and a lead.

Ranboo killed the enderman and got a pearl, "Nice."

"Ranboo!" I cried.

"What?" He asked.

"Boo died! He's gone!" I whined.

Ranboo walked over then sarcastically said, "Oh no....What will we do now?"

"Oh shut up! It was probably you, huh?" I sniffled.

He chuckled, "You'll never be sure."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why you-"

"Are my best friend and I love you for that." Ranboo said and smiled.

I groaned and picked up Boo's items. Then I said, "We're gonna have a burial."

"In Minecraft?....For a sheep!?" Ranboo laughed.

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