《Chapter 2》

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Tommy POV

6 days later - night before UK trip

I was on a face time with Ranboo and Tubbo. It was one of those rare times where I could see Ranboo's face. He wore his mask and glasses in public, but he was at an airport late at night so there was no reason.

"Alright, I'm going to bed. This calls lasted way too long. Ranboo please don't miss your plane. Later gamers!" Tubbo said and hung up.

Ranboo laughed, "You gonna go too Tommy?"

"No,...I missed talking to you like this." I said softly.

I thought I saw his cheeks go pink, but maybe it was the lighting.

Then he replied, "I- I gotta go now Tommy, but I'll tal-"

I interrupted him, "Why do you keep doing that?"

"D- Doing what?" He asked moving the phone away from his face.

"You always try to leave the call early. Did I do something?" I asked him.

"No! Tommy, no....I just don't want your sleep schedule to be all messed up...cause if it is, then when I come I won't get to hang with you as much if your sleeping." He said.

I smiled, "Okay, fair enough. I'll catch you later. I gotta call my gir-"

"Alright see you bye Tommy!" He spoke over me and then hung up right away.

The hells up with him?

Ranboo POV

I didn't need to be reminded of how he was straight. I didn't need to be reminded of his girlfriend and how he was taken. So I hung up on him quickly.

My flight was in about half an hour and I had taken care of everything. I was just waiting to board.

Then I got a facetime from Tommy.

What could he want now?

I answered it. "What Tommy?"

"Goodbye to you too prick!" He said rolling his eyes.

He hung up and...I'll admit, I felt bad.

Tommy POV

I hung up on him and then I got a facetime from my girlfriend. I was just about to answer it, but I also got a facetime from Ranboo. I figured she could wait just a while longer.

"Tommy, I'm sorry. Goodnight, and goodbye." He said.

"Well now I don't want to say goodbye." I pouted.

He laughed, "Don't you need to call your girlfri-"

"Oh whatever, she can wait." I interrupted.

He laughed, "Trouble in paradise Tommy?"

"Me? Never. She's just kinda...pushy and needy...and clingy....and also she comes on pretty strong." I sighed.

Not to mention she's sorta a gol-...a good person....

Ranboo POV

"Wow, Tommy. Needed to vent or what?" I asked.

He laughed, "Yeah, well good thing you won't get to meet her."

"Why's that?" I asked. It's not like I wanted to meet her....but I would like to see Tommy's type...just to know.

"I'm gonna break it off.....she's too- well I already told you." He said sighing again.

Perhaps...no....what am I thinking?

He's the straightest person I've ever met. And yet he can be quite the flirt at times.

Either way...he's straight.

"I'm gonna be a free man Ranboo. The ladies are gonna come running, you'll see." He said with a confident smile.

I sighed, "Yeah....can you blame em..."

He laughed, "Jeezus Ranboo, you want in on Tommyinnit or what?"

I laughed, "Ew what?! No way."

Then he stopped laughing, "What do you mean 'Ew'? That's just rude."

I rolled my eyes, "You know what I mean."

"Ranboo, do you think I'm handsome?" He asked calmly.

"Wh- What!? What kind of a question is that?!" I asked totally taken by suprise of his question.

"Oh relax Ranboo. Your bisexual, so tell me if you think I'm handsome in all honesty." He said staring into the camera.

I sighed, "Well, yeah ofcourse you are. But, that doesn't mea-"

He laughed and cut me off, "Oh, Ranboo~, watch what you say."

I rolled my eyes again, "Yeah okay. My flight boards in like 10 minutes. I gotta line up, see you later."

He smiled, "Later King. I can't wait to see you."

I waved and he waved back. Then he ended the call and I went to get in line.

Tommy POV

I called back my girlfriend and she answered.

"Hey there Tom Tom." She said smiling.

"Hey." I said blandly.

"Why didn't you answer my call earlier Tom Tom?" She asked.

"I was on a call with my friend, sorry about that." I replied.

"Oh yeah, what'd you talk about?" She asked smiling.

I didn't show my face and said, "You, actually."

"Awe~ how sweet Tom Tom." She said.

I don't know why....but I feel like breaking up with her. She just liked me a lot, she wasn't unusual or anything.

"Yeah....uhm...I'm tired. I'm gonna head to bed." I told her.

"Oh Tom Tom! Wait, can I come over? We could cuddle and then you can give me that money remember?" She asked.

"Uh....no its fine. I'm really tired."

"Tom Tom, how will I get the money?" She asked.

"Oh- Uh, I'll venmo it. Night." I said.

"Goodnight, talk to you later. Don't forget to send it! Bye!" She gave kisses to the camera.

"Bye." I said and then hung up.

I sent her the 150 pounds (about 200 US) and then went to bed.

She means well. I'm sure of it...or....

I hope so....no, there's no reason to doubt her. Ofcourse she means well.

Though I have to admit....I hate the petname Tom Tom. It's absolutely disgusts me now,...but I can't tell her that.....

Ranboo POV

I had just boarded and sent Tommy and Tubbo a quick text before I couldn't use my phone any longer.

Taking off
Next stop UK!

I sat near the back and I layed my head back, looking out the window. Then the plane began to take off and I got one last notification.

Can't wait! :)

Later boss man!

Soon, I'll get to meet Tubbo and....also Tommy.

I can't wait, it'll be great.

And I think I'm starting to let go too.

3 months in the UK with my best friends, what could possibly go wrong?....

1,040 words
Thanks for reading!
Later Gamers!

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