《Chapter 47》

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Ranboo POV

I woke up in Tommy's bed without Tommy. Which is pretty strange if you ask me.

"Babe?" I asked.

I didn't hear anything. Then noticed the water was running. He was probably in the shower. I sighed and tried going back to sleep, but I couldn't.

So I just lay there till he came back.

~ Time Skip ~

The water stopped and I popped up out of bed. I stood up and waited. Then Tommy came in with a towel around his hips.

I covered my eyes and turned red, "Oh baby!"

I just know Tommy was blushing as he answered, "Jeezus- I thought you were asleep."

"Sorry....can I look?" I asked.

"I mean- I guess?" He replied.

I uncovered my eyes, "Can I take a shower too, or-?"

"Yeah go ahead." He smiled.

"Kay thanks." I walked over to him and grabbed his bare waist, "Goodmorning."

He blushed, "Goodmorning...."

I kissed him and he kissed back. Then we seperated and I went to the bathroom to shower.

~ Time Skip ~

I was done showering now.....,but I'd forgotten clothes and a towel.

"Tommy!?" I called.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I- I need a towel..." I said awkwardly.

"Kay, just a sec." He said normally then went to get me one.

A minute later there was a knock.

"Come in." I said.

He opened the door and walked in, "Come get your towel babe."

I blushed, "C- Can't you just give it to me?"

I was behind the shower curtain so I was hidden. I poked my head out and reached my hand towards him.

"That's no fun." He smiled.

I bit my lip nervous, "Please?"

He didn't say anything he just giggled. I covered myself as I moved the curtain. He pushed the towel to my chest, "I was kidding babe."

He kissed me then walked off.

I was red. I dried myself off then put the towel around my hips. I walked out and Tommy didn't seem to be fazed.

I went to my bag and grabbed out clothes. I put my boxers on from under the towel. Then I put my shirt on and dropped the towel. Finally I was gonna put my sweats on.

Tommy came out of nowhere, snatched them and giggled, "Keep em off, yeah?"

I blushed, "Give them back Tommy."

He held them behind his back, "Oh c'mon. Lets play a fun game where you take them back- by force."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right. Your parents are just down the hall. Now Give it."

He pretended to think about it for a second then smiled, "No."

I grabbed his waist, "Give."

"You'll have to do more than that Ranboo." He said and kissed my lips then walked away to the door. He unlocked the door and was about to turn the nob. 

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