《Chapter 21》

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Ranboo POV

It'd been a while and I was starting to worry. I got up and walked down the hall. I peeked into Tommy's room and they weren't there. Then I saw them in the restroom so I walked over.

"....not tell Ranboo?" Is what I heard Tommy say.

I stopped in the threshold and asked, "Not tell me what?"

Tommy held his sleeve tightly as Tubbo responded, "About the prank we were gonna do. Too bad you just heard all about it."

I was confused, "I didn't hear about any prank?"

"Then what'd you hear?" Tommy asked.

"All I heard is 'not tell Ranboo'." I replied.

They looked to each other and then Tubbo muttered, "Okay, well let's go watch 'The Office' now."

Tubbo walked pass me and then so did Tommy. I grabbed Tommy's arm though and pulled him back. He winced at my touch and pulled back his arm.

"Oh, sorry....I- I just wanted to ask...are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He replied blandly.

"Is your arm okay? Did I grab your arm too hard or something?" I asked worried.

"Yeah, but I'm fine." He said sounding annoyed.

I sighed, "Tommy, I'm sorry...I didn't mean what I'd said. I wasn't thinking."

He nodded, "Kay....it's fine."

I reached for his hand, "T- Tommy I-"

He pulled away, "Its fine Ranboo, really. It doesn't matter to me. Now c'mon."

He started walking back to the living room and I followed him. He sat down where he had before and I went back to my seat. Tommy sighed looking sad and he looked up at the TV.

What's wrong Tommy?....

I can't stand watching you be sad. I'd like for you to at least smile...even if it's a small smile....I'll take it.

I got up and went to sit with Tommy. I sat really close to him and I whispered, "Is this okay?" As I wrapped an arm around his waist pulling him close to me.

He flinched and then leaned back into the touch, "Mhmm."

He didn't smile though....and though he seemed less sad...it was clear he was still infact sad. I tickled him and he squirmed holding in a laugh.

He turned to look at me and asked, "What was that?"

I smiled at him, "I want you to smile."

He smiled what seemed genuine, "Thank you Ranboo..." Then his smile faded and he mumbled, "-but it's hard to smile when I'm not happy...."

I cupped his face in my hand, "What's wrong?"

He moved my hand away, "Don't worry about it...I'm fine."

He turned back around and looked up at the TV. He had no emotion now....he looked lifeless as he stared at the screen.

Was it me?.....Did I upset him this much?

But how could that comment have led to this extent....it couldn't have.

I don't understand...why won't you tell me?

I grabbed him and pulled him onto my lap. He looked up at me with a pink shade covering his cheeks and nose bridge, "Wh- What are you doing?"

"I'm just holding you...,is that okay?" I asked pulling him closer.

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