《Chapter 19》

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Ranboo POV

I heard the blonde boy who stopped my thoughts, "Ranboo don't worry they won't take pictures of us without our consent."

I looked up from my hands, but then he pulled my head down into his chest. "Just incase...."

I hugged him and he held me. I had my face in his hoodie, hidden so no one could see.

"Tommy, do they sell masks here?" I asked.

He rubbed my back, "Yeah, don't worry. I'll get you one...Can you wait here for me?" 

He pulled away, but I pulled him back, "No, Tommy....please...just stay."

He sighed, "Okay....,but at least let me call someone over."

He waved an employee over and they came this way. They said, "Need any help with anything?"

"Yeah, can you get me a mask real fast please?" He asked.

"Ofcourse, I'll be back." The person said and walked off.

I started to become overwhelmed and I shook in his arms.

"Shhh, it's okay Boo. Your alright, he'll be back and it'll all be fine. Your okay...." he said comforting me.

The employee came back quickly and handed Tommy the mask. "Thanks."

"Ofcourse!" They exclaimed and walked away.

"No one's around, here." He said softly as he handed me the mask.

I put it on and sighed, "Thankyou Tommy."

"No problem, now let's go back and get my Coke that I dropped." He smiled.

"Awe, you dropped your Coke for me?" I  teased him.

"Yeah, so don't make me regret it." He rolled his eyes.

We walked back and saw the fans there with the Coke case.

"Thanks guys! Oh, and here's Ranboo!" He exclaimed smiling.

They handed him the case of Coke, "Can we get a picture now?"

Tommy nodded, "Certainly."

We stood on either side of the fan and the other took the picture. Then they walked away and so did we. We went to the cash register and payed, then made our way out.

We were walking side by side and I could tell Tommy was struggling to carry the case of Coke. It wasn't a big case, just a normal sized one with cans. I held in my laughter as his arm slowly became limp. I let a laugh out at his whines and he noticed.

"Your no help, why don't you carry it?" He said handing me the case.

I scoffed, "And why would I do that?"

He smirked, "Cause your a simp."

I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

I heard him laugh as he followed not too far behind me. "Ranboo~ C'mon, you've got abs. Just carry it for me, you won't even break a sweat."

"No." I replied blandly.

He caught up to me and pulled on my arm, "Ranboo please, my arm hurts."

I pulled my arm away, "You should've been nicer."

He groaned, "Ranboo! Your not a very good simp."

I sighed annoyed, "I'm not a simp.....I'm just nice."

He smiled, "Yep, super nice.....especially to me, now can you be a simp and carry this for me?"

"Tommy, I'm not a simp!" I said upset.

"Jeez, it's not that big of a deal. It's all fun and games Ranboo, I didn't mean it." He said laughing.

"Yeah.....it's always fun and games with you and it never means anything to you either. God I can't stand it- Do you care about anyone or anything at all?" I let out an anxious breath and now he knew I was upset.

He stayed quiet and didn't say anything. He just continued struggling to carry the Coke.

I felt bad for saying what I said. I know he cares about people and things...,but I was just upset.

I took the Coke from him and he smiled. He didn't say anything though, and his smile quickly faded.

Tommy POV

It was fucked up....ofcourse I care about people and certain stuff...I'm not some self centered dirt bag....is that what he thinks of me?.......

He took the Coke from me and I smiled, but my smile quickly faded, because I was kinda mad at him. I stayed silent as we walked back to the house.

When we got there he opened the door for me and I walked in. He walked in too, and locked the door behind him. We went to the kitchen and he put the Coke in the fridge. Then he went to sit on the couch and I followed. He turned on the TV and started watching. I wanted to lay with him, but I was kinda upset, and I knew he was too.

I sat down on the other end of the same couch as him and watched the TV. I got bored of it though and so instead I went on my phone.

A couple minutes later I got a call from Julie. I freaked out....Ranboo was mad...so would he help me or not?- And I really don't know how to do this.

"R- Ranboo...." I muttered.

He scooted down closer and wrapped an arm around my waist. It was intimate and caring and it calmed me ever so slightly. "If your not ready, don't answer. There's no rush Tommy. She can wait."

I nodded and let the call pass. I didn't answer it and eventually the notification left my screen. Once it had disappeared he scooted back away letting me go and continued watching the TV.

I audibly whined at the loss of touch, but luckily he hadn't noticed. I sighed then got up and went to my room.

I hate this already....When's Tubbo coming home? I can't stand the silence with him. Is this really how it's gonna be?

Why? I don't understand what his problem is. He hurt my feelings...but apparently I hurt his too.

I walked into my room and layed down on my bed. I got under my comforters and hugged a pillow. It wasn't as comfy as Ranboo, but it would have to do. I snuggled my head into the pillow and tried drifting off to sleep.

Ranboo POV

Tommy had left to his room and I was in the living room watching TV. I felt bad for being all distant, and I really wanted to apologize for what I'd said...,but he wouldn't stop the name calling and I can't stand his touch.

I just want to be all over him.....not in a dirty way....I just want to be with him. It's better this way though, that way my feelings can fade and I can get through these months easier.

I mean......its not like he'll mind. He doesn't like me like that, so...he should be fine.

1,116 words
Thanks for reading :>
Incase your wondering, Hotshot and Boorista update tomorrow and these two the next day.
Kay well bye! <3

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