《Epilogue 1》

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Tommy POV

"Tubbo! Just give it back man!" I complained as I chase after Tubbo in Minecraft.

"Finders Keepers. Losers....suck." Tubbo laughed as he kept on running away.

I scoffed, "But I died Tubbo! The stupid creeper fuckin blew up and killed me! Now give me my diamonds dickhead!"

Tubbo just laugh then muttered, "No."

"You little sh-" My phone started ringing and it was my beloved husband. 

I smiled, "Alright guys, I think this is where we're gonna end the stream for today! Uh- you can thank Tubbo since he didn't give me my diamonds."

Tubbo scoffed, "More like your 'hubby' called you and you're just eager to leave me for him."

"Yeah that too. Welp! Hubby calls! See you lot next time! Bye!" I waved and then ended the stream.

"Bye Tommy." Tubbo chuckled, "Tell him hi for me?"

I hummed, "Mhmm, sure. Bye Tubs."

Tubbo left the call then as did I. I grabbed my phone and left the streaming room. I went over to the bedroom and lay down in bed. Then I called him back on a facetime.

"Hey Bubba." Ranboo smiled then sighed, "Oh I miss you."

I smiled, "Hey. So?- How's mom and dad?"

"They're good." He replied back short and sweet.

"And....grandma?" I asked quietly.

"Uh...she has like maybe a day left at most. So uh doing bad I guess...." He frowned.

I bit my lip nervous, "I'm sorry babe."

"No it'll be okay. Uhm, I mean I excepted it already, y'know?- At least she got to be there for our wedding." He tried to smile.

"Was a good day, wasn't it?" I smile to myself thinking back on it also attempting to cheer him up.

"Yeah.....still wish you'd of worn the dress." Ranboo stifled a laugh.

"Piss off! I would never wear a fucking dress or skirt for that matter." I rolled my eyes.

He smirked, "What about that short skirt you wore for me in be-"

"Shut up Ranboo!" I turned red, "I burned that thing."

"What!? Why? It was so hot on you." He let his laughs escape him.

I rolled my eyes, "Quit it. Now tell me...How much longer?"

"Uh....Well if she passes tomorrow then we'll have the funeral in three days from now. We already planned it anyways since it's kinda- set in stone." He took a shaky breath and looked anywhere but the camera.

"Babe I'm so sorry." I frowned, "I wish I could hug you and kiss you."

"Yeah....yeah me too." He shook it off, "So uh- change the subject, maybe?"

I thought then asked, "So what?- Like four days till I next see you."

"No probably a week. After the funeral we gotta sort out the will which is gonna take at least a day. And uh....My parents want me to stay here to mourn or whatever." He frowned and huffed, "Which isn't fair- because I'd mourn much better and quicker if I had my husband with me."

"Sorry Boo. I've been planning this show since forever and Tubbo's gonna know why I postponed if I do." I smiled at him sympathetically then said, "Oh! Which by the way, Tubbo says hello."

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