《Chapter 45》

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Tommy POV

I woke up the next morning and saw my arms completely covered in cuts and dry blood. I went to my restroom and washed my arms under the faucet. I didn't have any alcohol wipes so I just left them like that.

I went to my closet to grab a big hoodie to cover up. I saw Ranboo's hoodie on the floor of my closet. I teared up and then grabbed one of mine. I put it on and then went back to bed.

I was pretty hungry......I just- Didn't have the energy to get up.

A couple minutes later my mum came to my door. It was locked, so she knocked, "Tommy? Are you awake darling?"

"Yeah, I'm awake mum." I replied.

"Are you gonna come and eat?" She asked.

"I'm not hungry, thanks though." I replied.

I heard her sigh, "Alright Tommy. Well...Make sure you eat something, okay?"

"Yeah, I will." I assured her.

I heard footsteps fade and then began to cry as I lay there in bed.

~ Time Skip ~

Ranboo POV

I watched out the window, there wasn't much to see. I was growing tired by the second. I just gave in and fell asleep while tears pour down my face.

Tommy POV

I should probably text him to let him know I'm okay....right?- But it's like really late over there, huh?

Plus we just broke up.

I groaned and started crying again, I want to be compforted....by Ranboo.

But right now the only comfort I'll accept is the one givin by a knife...

I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. All Ranboo. Every single one.

I sighed and went to scroll through social media. I looked at the Ranboo edits and smiled a little. Then I came to an edit that- Sorta broke me.

It was an AlliumDuo edit. It had pictures and clips of us. I loved it so much I liked the post. I sighed then whispered, "I love you Ranboo."

I gave in. I went to his contact and pressed message. I typed, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

I sent it and it said delivered. I waited a couple minutes and he never checked. I threw my phone and cried for the millionth time, You fucking idiot! You broke up with him! He hates you!

"He hates me..." I whispered and hiccuped in between my sobs.

~ Time Skip ~

Ranboo POV

I woke up and watched out the window again. I sighed, "This is gonna take a while."

I began silently crying. I put in my earbuds and listened to a random song.

Tommy POV

I put in my earbuds and listened to a random song. I need to be...distracted.

Ranboo POV

I looked at my phone to check what song was playing, 'Losing You - Jon Caryl'

I was hoping for a happy one, but...oh well.

I just....listened.

Tommy POV

Can't I get a happy song once?- Jeez.

'Losing you - Jon Caryl'- Seriously?

I sighed and listened.

Quick Note: Start the song here. And just listen like they will :] Incase you didn't catch it, the song is, "Losing You" by Jon Caryl. And guys, guys- I feel like this is so cheesy. But there's nothing wrong with that, so listen if you want. <3


"I'll be back
And I'll be sober
While my head is still up in the clouds
I can't seem to get down
Wake me up
When this is over
Cause I can't bare to look and see your face
Just reminds me of my mistakes so

My heart is barely beating
Don't know what to believe in
Did you in believe us?
Or was I the only one?
Cos, you said you'd never leave me
Did you just lose the feeling?
While I keep holding on to you, cos

I miss you and the things that we used to do
When we had only each other, the world at our feet so
What's it like to lose me?
Oh, do you ever think about me too?
Cos without you I'm a little incomplete so
What's it like to lose me?
Cos I can't stand losing you

Looking back
Through our old photos
Every picture paints a thousand words
'Cept three I never heard
I promise you
I can be better
Being a man ain't all it's said to be
And I'm learning that slowly
So come on

Don't say that we're defeated
We're still holding all the pieces
And I'm still holding on to you, cos

I miss you and the things that we used to do
When we had only each other, the world at our feet so
What's it like to lose me?
Oh, do you ever think about me too?
Cos without you I'm a little incomplete so
What's it like to lose me?
Cos I can't stand losing you
But maybe I just have to"


Ranboo POV

Tommy's words hit me..., "I wish I could promise you that things could be better...,but I can't. I can't keep any of the promises we made..."

So why?

If in the end non of our promises were gonna be kept....why did we do it?

Why do we promise?

Tommy POV

All the promises I made with Ranboo. Were just broken all at once.

All of them.


Ranboo will always take care of Tommy, vice versa.


They'll always be friends, no matter what.


Ranboo won't break Tommy's heart, vice versa.


They'll never leave each other.


Tommy POV

Why did we try and make promises to each other when there's always gonna be a chance that they're broken?

What was the point?

If it was all gonna end like this, then....

Why do we promise?

3rd Person POV

As the two young boys thought on this question....they couldn't seem to find answers. Because the answer lies between the two.

Why did Ranboo feel the need to make the promises to Tommy?


Why did Tommy feel the need to make the promises to Ranboo?

Why do we promise?

They'll just have to learn.

1,021 words
That felt really cheesy lmao
Anyways, later :)

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