《Chapter 28》

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Ranboo POV

I was walking with Tommy's back to the train station. We walked side by side and I had my mask on now. All I could think about was breakfast and how we were extremely awkward. But also how we were touchy and everything...

I shook my head to focus then sighed. I guess Tommy noticed, cause he asked, "Something bothering you?"

I took a calming breath, "Yeah...."

"And what's that?" He asked.

I chuckled, "You...your so confusing."

He laughed, "Sorry, I know your bisexual and all, but don't worry. I'm straight and it's not like you like, like me....do you?"

"Ofcourse I do!-...not." I awkwardly laughed.

Tommy POV

When he exclaimed, "Ofcourse I do!-", my heart beat quicker then it ever had before. And I was happy about it.....because I think I've finally come to terms with the fact that I-......I really like Ranboo.

Which means....no. I'm not straight and I have known for a little while.

And so when he followed with "not."....my heart ached.

I'm fucking crushed.....I really thought you did. And now I feel like a complete idiot.

Ranboo POV

Tommy got quiet and stared at the floor as we walked.

I couldn't get a good read on him....like what was wrong?

His face seemed pink and his eyes seemed teary. I couldn't stand looking at him like this-

"Tommy, what's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head and quietly muttered, "Nothing."

I sighed and grabbed his hand, "No, something is obviously bothering you...so what is it?"

He laced our fingers together, "I wanna come out to you Ranboo...I'm not straight."

I chuckled, "I'm sorry?"

He huffed, "What're you laughing for jerk?! I just came out to you!"

I cleared my throat, "So what are you then?"

" I prefer not to be labeled. I like who I like." He replied and shrugged as he wiped his eyes.

I nodded, "Okay....and what made you realize this so...suddenly. I mean- you just now told me you were straight."

He thought, "Well-"

O cut him off right away, "Wait! Was it that guy!? Our waiter?! Cause if it was, then there's no way! He's just so-"

"Ranboo?" He asked.

I stopped, ".....Y- Yeah?"

"I've actually known for quite some time now. And it wasn't because of him...." He laughed softly.

I blushed, "Oh!.....okay, well sorry uhm- about that. I just uh- think that there's better people...y'know?"

He blushed and stopped walking. I stopped too. He hugged me tightly, "How much longer are you staying?"

I hugged him, "I have about 2 months left."

He sighed and looked up at me, "You were a part of helping me realize....that I'm not straight."

I blushed brightly, "T- Tommy, a- are you saying that you-"

He pulled away, "Shut up. We'll talk about it when we get home."

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