《Chapter 55》

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Ranboo POV

Tommy pulled away, "I think it's lunch ti-"

"You're my lunch." I said and found my way back to his perfect pretty lips.

He enjoyed it for another moment then pulled away, "Did we even have breakfast?"

"I had you for breakfast." I chuckled and kissed him again.

He placed a hand on my chest separating us, "I'm kinda hungry after that- It's kinda tiring."

"It's not over yet." I bit my lip and then bit his lip. He winced and I pushed my tongue back in.

He bit my tongue and I pulled away with a wince, "Tommy!"

"Well jeez Ranboo, you're like a machine." He laughed, "Now move off."

"B- But I don't want to." I frowned.

"Ranboo. We were making out for hours." He laughed, "I can't take much more."

"But Tommy-" I whined.

"No buts, Ranboo."

"But what about your butt." I asked and slid my hand down to rest on his butt.

He blushed, "What about it?"

"I wanna see it." I bit my lip.

He raised a brow, "Excuses me?"

"I wanna see it." I repeated, "Naked." I chuckled.

He turned red, "Please stop squeezing my ass."

I blushed, "I- I didn't know I was squeezing...."

He rolled his eyes, "Okay well stop."

I stopped then placed my hand back on his waist, "One more hour?"

"I'm starving Ranboo....And sorta tired." Tommy frowned.

I sighed, "Fine."

I moved off him and he got up then stretched, "Oh god- Being under you for hours is tiring."

"Next time I want you laying on your stomach. That way I can see this bad boy." I said and slapped his ass.

He turned red, "Ranboo!- That is so inappropriate."

"Oh I can show you inappropriate...." I licked my bottom lip and got up.

He raised a brow, "You better watch it?"

"Sorry....I just like your butt." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah sure. Now come on, I'm hungry."

I hugged his waist and whispered in his ear, "I love you."

He blushed brightly, "I love you too."

He pulled me along with him out of the room. We went downstairs and to the kitchen. He sat on the counter, "Make me food."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, fine....,but you have to help."

He raised a brow, "I can't cook."

I smiled, "Let's do a cooking stream!"

He thought about it, "Hmm...I'd have to ask mum. But....sure- why not."

"Great!- What should we make!?" I asked.

"Uh....Can we make cereal!?" Tommy giggled.

I rolled my eyes, "Nevermind- I'll chose."

"No, no! Let's make pasta." He smiled.

I nodded, "Mkay."

I went to his pantry to get out stuff for pasta and he left to ask his mom if we could use the kitchen to stream.

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