《Chapter 34》

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Ranboo POV

I followed walking off and to Tubbo who had found Phil and Wilbur. He ran and hugged Wilbur. I put my glasses on and followed.

"Wilby!" Tommy hummed and hugged him.

Wilbur chuckled, "Hey Tommy."

They pulled apart and I waved, "Hi Wilbur."

"Hello Ranboo." He smiled.

"Hello boys." Phil said.

I waved and Tommy went and hugged him a hello. As did Tubbo. We went to go pay to play and Tommy walked with Wilbur as he striked up a conversation.

I sighed, Why's he mad? I was just looking out for him and how he felt.

They got the equipment then we went to start the course. Tubbo handed me a golf ball and club, "You okay man?"

"Yeah...I'm fine....Just confused." I awkwardly laughed and took the ball and club from him.

"Tommy?" He asked. I nodded and he chuckled, "Don't sweat it- He's very confusing, though I'm sure he's fine."

I nodded, "Yeah..."

He pat my back then walked off. I followed him and the rest of them onto the course. Phil went first and I was gonna try and talk to Tommy, but he was busy with Will.

I sighed and once Phil was done, Tubbo went next. I frowned, Why can't Will swing already!?

I just went over, "Whatcha talking about?"

Wilbur smiled, "Oh we were talking ab-"

"Nothing." Tommy said then smiled, "Oh look! It's your turn, Ranboo!"

I sighed, "Yeah..."

I went and swung then came back and it was Wilbur's turn. He went on and finally it was me and Tommy.

I hugged him and he pushed me off, "What're you doing?!"

I was so confused, "I was just hugging y-"

"Seriously?- We can't be caught, remember?" He said.

I frowned, "Tommy...What was so wrong with what I said?"

He sighed and held my hand, "Ever think I wanted to hold your hand?"

I blushed, Oh.

He doesn't care if we get caught or people make assumptions...He just wanted to hold my hand. And I made him think I didn't want to hold his hand when obviously, I do.

I smiled, "Oh Baby, I didn't-"

"No it's fine. I don't want to hold your hand now either." He smiled then let go and walked off because it was his turn.

I groaned as Will came back, "What's wrong?"

"Tommy got upset over something dumb so now he's being difficult." I sighed.

Wilbur chuckled, "What do you mean?"

"He's just being Tommy!" I laughed.

He laughed, "Yeah...Wish I could help- but uh, I'm not so sure it's me he wants solving this."

I smiled, "Yeah..."

"I'm gonna go talk to Phil and Tubbo- You work on that." He smiled then walked off.

I nodded then Tommy was done. He was gonna walk over to Will and them, but I grabbed his hand and held it.

He sighed and looked at me, "Yes?"

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