《Chapter 12》

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Tommy POV

It had been around an hour since I called my girlfriend, and Tubbo had already woken up. Him and Ranboo were playing the Switch and I was scrolling through my Twitter. She would be here shortly, and I wasn't really looking forward to it.

I heard the door bell and I got nervous. I hadn't seen Julie in a while.....and I liked it that way. Now she was here and I had to pretend to like her. I got up and went to get the door.

I opened the door and she hugged me, "Oh, Tom Tom! I feel like it's been so long, I've missed you."

I awkwardly hugged her back, "Mhmm."

She pulled away, "So where's your friends?"

"Follow me, there in the living room." I said and she latched onto my arm.

We walked into the living room and Tubbo paused the game.

"Hello...Julie is it?" Tubbo asked.

She nodded, "Yep, nice to meet you."

"Hello." Ranboo smiled.

Ughhh, why'd he smile at her?

She smiled back and enthusiastically said, "Hey! Your Ranboo, right?"

He nodded, "Mhmm."

She went and sat next to him and I followed. I sat down on the other side of her and she held my hand.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" She asked looking mainly at Ranboo.

Neither of us said anything and she laughed, "We could do couples games! Even though there's only one couple here, we can do significant others vs. friends."

...I kinda liked the idea. I'd get to see how much Ra- er- Julie knows.

Tubbo groaned, "Eh, sure."

Ranboo nodded and I said, "Yeah, sure."

"Great! So, who wants to ask the questions and who wants to be the friend who guesses?" She asked.

"I'll do the questions!" Tubbo said.

Ranboo sighed, "Guess I'll be the friend."

Tubbo got up, "I have whiteboards, lemme get them."

He left to get the whiteboards and then I said, "Uhm, maybe I should sit in the middle? Since I'm the one the questions are about?"

"I don't think it matters Tom Tom." Julie said.

"I think its reasonable, it'd make more sense too." Ranboo said.

She sighed and switched seats with me. Then Tubbo came back and handed me a whiteboard. "So, you'll write down the correct answer and then they'll raise their hands to answer, since I only have one."

We all nodded and then Tubbo went to sit on the other couch.

Quick Note: I don't know the real answers to any of these. I'm just making stuff up :)

"Okay, first question is......what's Tommy's full name?" Tubbo asked.

Julie raised her hand first and replied, "Tom Simons."

I nodded and then Tubbo asked, "What's Tommy's favorite color?"

Ranboo raised his hand and laughed, "Well, he's Tommyinnit, so red."

I smiled and nodded. Then Tubbo asked, "What's Tommy's favorite movie?"

Julie raised her hand, "*random movie*"

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