《Chapter 53》

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Tommy POV

I woke up and wiggled out of Ranboo's arms. I kissed his cheek, "Morning."

Then got up out of bed. I went to my dresser and took out clean clothes. I went to the bathroom and turned on the water to shower. I set my clothes down on the sink counter and then walked out to check if Ranboo was still sleeping.

I sighed, "My sleepy head."

I walked in the bathroom and closed the door. I locked it and got undressed to shower.

Ranboo POV

I yawned and pulled Tommy closer to my chest. I kissed his head, "Morning Tommy."

I opened my eyes and I was hugging a pillow. I blushed embarrassed and threw the pillow. I heard the water running in the shower and relaxed.

I sighed, What am I gonna do about what my mom was saying?

All I know is I have to talk to my mom and dad about this. Because I really want to get a green card to live here with Tommy.

The thing is....If I did end up moving here, I'd like to get a place for just me and Tommy.

Not to mention- it would be nice to finally tell all the fans about our relationship.

I sat up and stretched my arms. I grabbed my phone off the charger on the nightstand. I started looking at different houses that we could get.

Afterwards I started looking at costs for obtaining a green card and the amount of time it'd take to obtain one. Turns out it would take a while, but since I am a spouse of a UK citizen- I would be living here in the process. Welp that works out!

I sighed and put my phone down on the nightstand. There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Tori!" I heard her voice come through.

"Come in!" I said as I got out of bed.

She smiled, "Goodmorning Mark!"

"Morning." I yawned and stretched.

She blushed as my shirt lifted a bit to reveal my abs. I tugged it down, "I'm with your cousin."

"Yeah, yeah- Does that really matter though!?" She frowned.

"Dont be that person." I said then asked, "Now what did you need?"

"Nothing I guess....I just wanted to say goodmorning." She frowned.

I nodded, "Well if that's it, could you please step out?- Tommy should be out in a bit to change."

She nodded, "Right."

She left and closed the door behind her. I knocked on the bathroom door, "Babe!?"

I heard the water stop, "Yeah, I'm done."

I nodded then sat down on he bed waiting. He came out dressed with his wet hair. I smiled and popped up, "Morning beautiful!"

He put a hand up, "Shower, then touch."

I sighed, "Mkay."

"Also- Goodmorning." He smiled then lay down.

I went to the restroom now and went to shower.

Tommy POV

I layed down on my phone bored. Then I noticed Ranboo's phone on the nightstand. It looked open....And it seemed like some sort of important website.

I didn't want to be nosy......,but he is my boyfriend. He shouldn't have anything to hide so...A peek couldn't hurt.

I grabbed his phone and it seemed like...

I teared up, He wants to get a green card in the UK!

My heart fluttered and I got all warm and fuzzy inside. I turned light pink and melted back into my pillows. I let out a tiny squeal and then kicked my feet, Oh my gosh he's so inlove with me!

I took a deep calming breath- Is he gonna be mad that I looked?!

D- Do I tell him that I looked?...

I mean it wouldn't be lieing to him.....right?

Just....secrets- And everyone has secrets.

Oh but I hate keeping secrets from Ranboo!- But...I have to, huh? Cause then he'll be sad about his surprise being ruined.

I saw some other tabs open. I was so intrigued, but I'd already peeked enough. I turned his phone off and set it back down on the nightstand.

I sat up again and then went back to my phone. Since he's probably moving here- I should get us a house together. It is about time I move out.

I started looking at some properties and tabbed a few. Then I got a call from a random number. This stuff happened all the time- spam or probably someone with a wrong number.

I answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Tom Tom! I got a new phone, and since you blocked me on that number- Don't block me here. I'm coming over today, mkay?- So don't try stoppin me." She giggled then hung up.

I breathed heavily then got up. I went to the bathroom door and banged on the door in panic, "Ranboo! Babe!"

I started crying, "Mark!"

"You okay Tommy?! Stop banging on the door!" He said, "I'm almost done!"

I don't think he could hear me crying. I sniffled and waited right there behind the door. Another two minutes and the water stopped. I was really anxious I was tapping my foot and fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, while cracking my knuckles.

The door opened, "Hey Tommy- Sorry I forgot my-" I stormed him with a hug. He seemed startled then hugged me back, "Clothes....What's the matter baby?- Are you crying?"

I sniffled and looked up at him. He wiped my face then kissed my nose, "Tell me."

"Julie." I gulped, "She called me."

"Didn't you block her?" He asked confused.

"Yeah...,but she got a new number just to reach me Ranboo." I hugged him tighter.

He sighed, "Just block her again baby."

"She said she's coming over- To my house Ranboo! I can't see her again...." I started getting uneasy.

"Okay, okay- Look at me." I looked back up at him, "Now breath with me, hm?" He took a breath in and I copied. Then out and I copied. He did a few more till I was back to normal, "Now listen love, nothings gonna happen. We'll just shoo her away, kay?"

"My mum loved her Ranboo- She's gonna invite her in and everything!" I was getting anxious again.

Ranboo rubbed my back softly, "Bubba don't worry. If she stays a couple more minutes we'll drop the truth on your mom."

I nodded then smiled, "I missed that."

"What?" He asked confused.

"What you called me." I giggled.

He chuckled, "Bubba....I love you Bubba."

"I love you too Boo." I kissed him. He kissed back and when we pulled apart I felt guilty, "I looked at your phone- And I know you're tryna get a green card."

1,118 words
Thanks for reading.
Sorry I was so late because I was watching a movie.
Anyways, later ya'll :]

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