《Chapter 38》

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Tommy POV

It was time now. Ranboo had to go.

Ranboo fluffed my hair, "My beautiful Sunshine....I love you so much."

I sniffled, "I love you Boo."

He smiled, "I'll see you later, okay?"

I nodded, "Kay..."

He wiped my face, "Call me whenever....and I'll try my best to always answer, mkay?"

I nodded again and then got off him. He stood up and we hugged.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Ranboo." I cried.

He teared up....which was surprising, "I'm gonna miss you every second Tommy..."

Tubbo cleared his throat, "You have two minutes. I'd like at least a hug."

Ranboo and I parted and I stepped aside for a bit. Tubbo hugged Ranboo.

Ranboo POV

"Thanks for coming all this way to see us." Tubbo smiled, "Can't wait for your next visit. Maybe Tommy and I could even go to America one day."

I smiled while hugging him, "Yeah....I'd like that. Later Tubbo, gonna miss ya too."

"Later Ranboo, have a safe flight." Tubbo pulled away and smiled with a sniffle.

I turned to Tommy now, "So..."

"I'll see you later. I love you Ranboo, please stay safe." Tommy smiled through his tears.

I cried now, "I love you Tommy. And you stay safe too, okay?- Enough of that cutting....for me, please."

He smiled, "No more."

I smiled back through my own sadness, "Good."

"Now please just kiss me, yeah?- I don't care if we're in public." Tommy said then pulled me down and kissed me.

He pulled me in aggressively, but the kiss was so soft....his luscious pink lips I know I'll miss. I wrapped an arm around his waist and held the back of his head with the other. He put an arm around my neck and the other on my chest. I bit his lip and he made a soft noise, letting me in. I moved my tongue with his and we enjoyed it while we could. The kiss was longing......We were longing to stay together.

Final call for boarding and we parted. Tommy bit his lip, "I'm gonna miss you babe. Later."

"I'll miss you more....Later." I sniffled and we wiped each other's face.

I grabbed my two suitcases and started walking away. I turned around and mouthed, "I love you."

"I love you more." Tommy mouthed back and blew me a kiss.

I cried again and turned around. I showed the lady my ticket then walked on.

~Tiny Time Skip ~

Tommy POV

I watched through the airport window as Ranboo's plane took off. I gave a pathetic wave knowing he wouldn't see me, but still I did it. Now he was gone for real.

Tubbo grabbed my hand, "C'mon Tommy, he'll call you as soon as he lands. Let's go home."

I nodded and we walked out of the airport. As Tubbo called an Uber, I finally quit crying.

"I don't want to go home yet....Can I just stay with you for a while." I asked.

Tubbo smiled, "Obviously."

I smiled back happy in this moment. The Uber came and we got in. It drove us back while Tubbo tried making chit chat.

~ Time Skip ~

We got back and I probably wouldn't get a call from Ranboo till a long while.

I groaned and we walked in. I went to Ranboo's old room and lay down in his bed. Tubbo followed and stood in the threshold,  "Check his closet...That hoodie you're wearing is drenched."

He smiled then walked off. I got up right away and opened Ranboo's old closet. One hoodie, a shirt, and sweats. I beamed happily then closed the door and changed into it all.

I felt like I was with him, I mean- I could practically smell him all over me. I loved it, cause no matter how many times I wash it- It'll always smell like Ranboo.

I lay down in bed and go under Ranboo's blankets, "I love you Boo."

I yawned and set my phone at the nightstand. When he calls, I'll answer.

Ranboo POV

This flight....was boring. All I could think about was Tommy. I tried thinking of how happy I should be to go home.

I guess I was pretty happy about that too. Getting to see my parents. Having my room, my comfy bed, my set up, and my home.

Right now I'm tired though. And I need some sleep, if I'm gonna be on track with the time, y'know?

So I got comfy and dozed off.

~ Time Skip ~

Tommy POV

I woke up and hadn't gotten a call from Ranboo. I checked my missed calls, and I had none. I frowned then got up. I went to the kitchen and got some cereal.

No, I was not aware of the time....I was just waiting for his call.

Ranboo POV

About 7 hours till I landed, the entire flight is like 11 hours. I woke up bored again, but a little more rested I suppose.

I wonder what time it is....I guess I can't be sure. Since I'm not in an exact location yet, huh.

I sighed and watched out the window.

~ Time Skip ~

Tommy POV

I decided I'd just go to bed. I'd keep my phone close, incase. I know the flight was pretty long, but who knows.

I sighed and went back to Ranboo's room after I had washed my dish. I layed down in bed and yawned. I went right to sleep.

~ Time Skip ~

Ranboo POV

I was eating now, but I was really tired. Probably cause it'd be night in the UK now, and right now I would be asleep in bed. Brighton is 8 hours ahead of California though so....I might be really sleepy.

Now that I think about it- i need to stay awake so that I can get my sleep schedule back to normal. So I got some food to eat and stayed awake.

~ Big Time Skip ~

I just landed. God I was so excited. And so I quickly got off the plane to use my phone.

~ Time Skip ~

I was off the plane now and in the lobby. First I texted my parents ro pick me up then checked the time. It was 10:36pm, so that meant around Brighton it would be 6:36am.

I debated between calling then decided, Well, I told him I would-

I face timed Tommy and waited for an answer.

A tired voice, "Hello?" Then a yawn, "Who is it?"

I smiled, "I love you silly."

1,090 words
Thanks for reading, sorry about being late :(

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