《Chapter 39》

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Tommy POV

My phone started ringing. I groaned and reached for it. Then I answered.

"Hello?" I asked with a yawn, "Who is it?"

I heard my boyfriend on the other end, "I love you silly."

I was instantly awake, "Ranboo! Why didn't you face time!?"

"I did." He chuckled.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and saw him, "Oh!- Hi!" I waved enthusiasticly, "Morning Ranboo."

"Actually, I'm really tired. I stayed awake all night....er- afternoon?- I dunno, but now I'm pretty sleepy. Though, goodmorning to you Tommy. Sorry to bother you, I know it's pretty early." He smiled.

I shrugged, "Nah its fine. I really wanted to see your face."

"Oh yeah?" He asked and I nodded. He asked, "Well?"

"As gorgeous as ever." I smiled.

"Why thankyou my love." He smiled back then added, "Wait just a sec, mkay?"

I nodded and I think he pocketed his phone. I muted and heard who I assume were fans.

"Hi! Are you Ranboo!? Cause I'd- er we would love a photo!" The girl squealed.

"That's me, I'm Ranboo- Uh...Sure!- Let's do it." He awkwardly laughed.

They took a few minutes then I heard byes. Ranboo took his phone out, "Close one, huh?"

I yawned, "Yeah....so your parents on their way?"

"Yes." He nodded then sighed, "You seem tired still. Go to bed baby, I'll call you tomorrow- later for you- tomorrow for me."

I frowned then shook it off and smiled, "Mkay, bye! Love you!"

"Love ya too, bye!" He blew me a kiss then hung up.

I lay down in bed and yawned, then tried falling back asleep.

Actually.....I'd of liked to fall asleep on the call with him- wether I be awake or not.

Ranboo POV

I got off the phone with Tommy and sat down in the main lobby. I sighed and went on my phone. I got a face time from Tommy again and ofcourse, answered.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Just stay, I'm gonna go to sleep though." He yawned and then closed his eyes.

I sighed into a smile, "Kay."

I connected some bluetooth earbuds and then listened to Tommy as he softly breath asleep in....Is that my bed!?

I blushed then laughed, I am so poking fun at him once he wakes up.

~ Time Skip ~

My parents had just got here. They texted me that they were in the front. So I grabbed my suitcases, put my glasses on, and headed towards the front.

I saw them and walked over. I put my bags in the car trunk, then got in the back seat.

"Mark! I've missed you so much my boy." My mom smiled.

I muted on Tommy and I's facetime, "I've missed you too mom. Hi dad."

"Hay Mark. So....How was it?" He asked as he began driving us back home.

"Really nice. I liked it very much actually." I smiled then took my glasses off.

"That's good darling. And we're thrilled to have you back. I've missed my boy." My mom beamed happily.

I missed them both very much.

~ Time Skip ~

We got to the house and it was around 11:17pm. I was pretty tired. My dad helped with my suitcases and my mom insisted she tuck me in- Which is ridiculous.

"Night dad!" I smiled and took my suitcases from him.

"Night son." He smiled.

"Goodnight Mom." I said.

She followed me up the stairs, "Goodnight Marky."

I cringed, Ew.

I went to my room and set my suitcases down. My mom walked in, "I can tu-"

"Honestly, I'm good. Thankyou." I said nicely and careful not to offend her.

She nodded, "Well alright. Night then."

"Night!" I repeated as I got in bed.

She turned the light off then shut the door. I unmuted the facetime and disconnected my ear buds. I plugged in my phone to charge and then drift of to sleep looking at Tommy.

~ Time Skip ~ UK 9:53am / US 1:53am

Tommy POV

I yawned and woke up. I opened my eyes to see Ranboo on the other end, sleeping. I was surprised he was still asleep.

"Babe! Wake up! It's morning, c'mon get up!" I called to him smiling.

He groaned and looked at the camera tired, "Baby....it's like 2am over here."

I blushed embarrassed, "Sorry! G- Go to sleep then..."

He did just that and I got up out of bed. I left my phone on the nightstand and changed. Then I went out to the kitchen and Tubbo had made food.

"Morning Tubbo." I smiled.

He smiled back, "Morning Tommy."

I stretched then sat down, "Thanks for the food."

"No problem....uh- Who you calling?" He asked curious.

I giggled, "Ranboo."

"Oh......uh- isn't it like 2am or something over there?" He asked confused.

"Y- Yeah, but we're just on call, y'know?" I replied and began eating.

"Can't say I do, but alrighty. I'm gonna sit over here and watch a movie. Join me when your done and then we could stream later." Tubbo said then sat down on the couch.

I put a thumbs up as I ate.

~ Time Skip ~

I was bored of watching movies now. So we- well, Tubbo decided we'd do a kitchen stream. I just agreed.

So we took the time to set up the stream.

~ Time Skip ~

We just started the stream and I muted on the facetime cause I knew we'd be loud and a little obnoxious, so I didn't want to wake him up. He needs his sleep.

I'm excited for him to wake up though. It hasn't even been a full day technically, and I really miss him. Just talking to him and seeing his face smile at me....It makes my heart warm.

~ Time Skip ~ US 8:02am UK 4:02pm

Ranboo POV

I woke up and grabbed my phone. Tommy's phone was faced up at the ceiling and I couldn't hear anything.

I frowned and waited a couple minutes. I was hoping he'd retrieve his phone, y'know?

I got tired of waiting though...I yelled out, "Tommy?! Babe!?"

I saw him and then the end of call screen. I was so confused....

I figured he'd call me back though. Then I saw a notification on my phone, 'Tubbo_ is live!'

Tommy....was probably on the stream too.

1,054 words
Thanks for reading!
On time today :D
Later Gaymers and Gamers <3

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