《Chapter 5》

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Ranboo POV

We'd been waiting for Tommy to come out of his room. It was taking quite a while and finally Tubbo and I decided we'd check on him. We got up and went down the hall.

Tubbo knocked and then Tommy opened the door, "You two ready now?"

"Uhm, yeah. We've been ready, and waiting on you." Tubbo said.

Tommy shrugged, "Well let's go then."

Then we all walked out and got in an Uber.

Tommy POV

We were all in the car now and Ranboo put on his mask and glasses. 

"Bummer." I mumbled to him.

"What is?" He asked me.

I looked him in the eyes and then smiled, "All of it...."

He seemed confused, but it didn't matter. I confused myself at times....

~ Time Skip ~

We had been dropped off at the train station and now we had to take the train to the inner city. It was only a little over an hour and a half train ride and it would take a while.
(Guys I don't know how the UK works....)

We went to the train station and were immediately noticed by this group of 3 children and an adult. They were all about 12 or 13.

"Hello! Are you Tommyinnit?" The boy asked.

I nodded, "Yeah and this is Ra-"

"Ranboo!" The girl exclaimed.

Ranboo waved and the girl smiled.

Then the third asked, "Does that mean your Tubbo?"

And Tubbo nodded, "Yep."

Then the adult asked, "Could they get a picture? They love watching you guys."

"Uh, yeah that's fine with me." I said and Tubbo and Ranboo nodded.

We stood next to each other and the children stood infront of us. The lady took the picture and then they walked off. As the three kids waved.

"I'm suprised kids that young watch us. Aren't we a little.....I dunno...vulgar?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo laughed, "They weren't that young. I mean they seemed 13, 11 at the youngest."

Then I cut in, "We are not 'vulgar' we're just very expressive."

They both laughed and then we went to get on the train.

Ranboo POV

We got on the train and it was cramped with loads of people. There was no seats, so we had to stand holding onto the poles0 and arm bars in the train.

Tubbo, Tommy, and I all stood close next to each other. Then when we came to a stop some people got off and there would be more space....but no. A bunch more people got on and flooded in pushing us farther into a corner.

Then around another 15 minutes later, we came to another stop and a few people left and then a ton of others boarded.

They pushed us all the way to the corner, and I didn't want to push Tubbo or Tommy. It was so cramped up, so instead of being pushed up into them, I was forced to lean against them and put my arms on the train wall behind them. Tubbo stood more to the right of me, so I was less covering him...and more Tommy.

Ofcourse this would happen.

Tommy POV

Ranboo leaned over me. His chest less then an inch away from my face. His arm above my head preventing him from making any contact. I couldn't tell his reaction, because his mask was on, but part of me knew he'd be blushing underneath.

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