《Chapter 44》

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Ranboo POV

I burst out laughing, "Caught!"

"God damit Ranboo! There's gonna be so many screenshots and clips!" Tommy complained.

I ignored him and spoke to the chat, "Guys, he is inlove with me. That's why he was giving me kissy faces."

"False!- Well....Not completely false- or true either!" Tommy argued.


'What does that even mean?'

'Tommy inlove!?- SLAYYYY'

'Wait- Doesn't Tommy have a boyfriend?'


"Okay, okay guys. We were making jokes." I smiled.

"Yep. I do have a boyfriend. And I love my boyfriend so much- I mean more than anything ever. So Ranboo, I think you need to tone down the flirts." Tommy said looking serious.

I scoffed, "Wait but I'm your bo- best friend!"

"Exactly, and I want to stay friends Ranboo. I'm already inlove, mkay?" He gave a small smile.


"Okay?- But I was only friendly flirting. I don't actually li-"

Tommy scoffed, "Its not that serious Ranboo. I know you like me."

"Well yeah, obviously...as a friend." I smirked.

Tommy huffed, "Well I should probably get going right now. I've got a date with my boyfriend."

"Oh yeah, where at?- A frickin face time? Good luck with that." I chuckled.

The chat didn't get the joke cause they didn't know I was his boyfriend. And now that I think about it....It's not that funny.

He seemed to get upset, "No!- My boyfriend is present in my life- And didn't leave me to be in another country!"

My eyes widened, "Excuse me?...Your boyfriend is American!- He didn't leave you, he just went home."

'For real!?'

'But Tommy hates Americans'


'How does Ranboo know?'

Tommy shook his head, "So?- My boyfriend would- I mean- er uh- my boyfriend is moving down here to be with me."

That's....Just not fair.

I ended the stream and left the chat there confused.

"That's not fair Tommy." I said and crossed my arms.

He sniffled, "Well- It's how I feel Ranboo!"

"Let's not yell, yeah?" I asked and he nodded. I continued, "You know I have my family here. I have my whole life here Tommy, I can't just pick up and leave."

"Well....Aren't I part of that life too?" He teared up.

"Oh baby ofcourse. It's just that- We only recently got together, and I can't leave America with no plans just to be in some silly relationship, y'know?" I asked.

"Silly relationship?- What are we, a joke to you?" Tommy wiped his eyes.

I shook my head, "No Tommy!- Wr- Wrong choice of words. I mean like- The way its going with us, we're good, but....I dunno- we're just not stable. I mean...I live in another country and we've seen each other once. We have no physical connection and I'm pretty sure you're just as unhappy as I am."

"Your...unhappy?" Tommy cried.

I couldn't fuck this up any worse, could I!?

"No! I love you Tommy! It's just that....I want to be able to kiss you, hold you, touch you. Go on dates, cuddle, make out, sleep in the same bed, and just- be with you, y'know?" I sighed.

He cried, "I'm sorry." He hiccuped in between words from crying, "I wish you- were happier wi- with me. I'm sorry- I can't give you- what you want..."

I shook my head, "No Tommy. That's not what I mean at all. I am happy with you- There's just some things that we don't have that...normal couples do. And it's okay, I still want to be with you even if you're an ocean away."

Tommy couldn't stop crying, "You're right Ranboo. I'm unhappy too. I wish I could promise you that things could be better...,but I can't. I can't keep any of the promises we made." He sniffled, "I want you to hold me every night. I want your chest to burry my head in and cry. For you to comfort me and kiss me. I want all of that and- We can't make this work...."

I shook my head violently, "No, no, no- Stop it Tommy. I can't lose you over some stupid stream joke."

"It was gonna happen sooner or later Ranboo." He wiped his face, but kept crying.

"What was, huh?- What're you talking about?" I asked.

"We need to....seperate Ranboo. It's better for the both of us. That way we can be happy and have those healthy relationships we want." Tommy smiled through his crying.

"Tommy! No! Don't do this!- I- I'll move! I'll leave America to be with you Tommy!" I cried, "Just don't leave me!-....I love you. I already lost you once...I can't lose you again....."

He sniffled, "I love you Ranboo...I'll always love you."

I nodded, "Yeah...so stay with me."

"I haven't really been with you....Have I?" Tommy wiped his face, "Don't take this the wrong way. I still want to be your friend."

I shook my head, "No..."

He sniffled, wiped his face, then waved, and hung up.

I spam messaged him on discord to join back. He just ignored me. He went offline. I spammed his phone and I saw, 'Seen' pop up. He ignored me again, so I spam called his phone. He probably put his phone on silent or turned it off though.

I threw my phone and kicked the wall, "Fuck!"

I got up and fell onto my bed, "We lasted 3 weeks away from each other...."

Quick Note: TW - there will be some sensitive content that might disturb some people. So skip to the end if you're uncomfortable in any way.

Tommy POV

Ranboo spammed me on everything. I turned my PC off and then silenced my phone. I lay down in bed and waited for my face time-...Oh.

I cried silently and then curled up in bed, Guess I'm going to sleep early today.

But...I couldn't sleep.

I got up and went to my desk. I grabbed the first thing I saw. A mechanical pencil in the cup of pens and pencils. I took it and then took off Ranboo's hoodie. I stuffed the hoodie in the back of my closet and then sat on my bed.

I clicked the eraser of the mechanical pencil down and stuck out some led. Then I pressed it hard onto my arm. Slowly, I dragged the pencil horizontally across my arm. As I did so, my arm was cut and blood slowly seeped through, then down my arm.

It was relaxing....,but I needed to go deeper. I got up and tossed the pencil onto my desk. I left my room and went to the kitchen.

My parents are sorta old, so they went to bed early. Or they were just in bed watching TV. Either way, I wouldn't be caught.

I entered the kitchen and went over to the counter. There was the wood knife block with all the knives in it. I grabbed a small sharp one out.

I wiped my face and then placed the knife against my skin. I slowly cut and then exhaled relieved. I continued and then moved on to my other arm.

Finally I washed the knife and then placed it back...No one would even know.

1,209 words
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