《Chapter 22》

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Ranboo POV

It was the middle of the night. I was laying down in Tommy's bed, Tommy right beside me. As much as I'd love to hold him, I wouldn't. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I also didn't want to catch feelings....,but I'm pretty sure it's a little late for that.

Tommy shifted in his sleep and grabbed my arm. He hugged it and snuggled his head beside it.

He's so adorable.

I frowned....I know it might be too late...,but I can't keep doing this.

I pulled my arm away slowly and gently. He let out a small quiet groan and curled up into a ball. He shivered and I could tell he was cold. I tugged the blankets higher up to his shoulders so that he was warmer.

I watched him as he calmly slept beside me.

.....Why Tommy?...

I gently grabbed his arm and took a shaky breath. To think someone so perfect could be so sad...someone who deserves everything in the world....could do this.

I pulled his arm out towards me. His hand touched my chest and my heart fluttered as my face heated up. I took a deep breath to calm myself, then slowly rolled up his hoodie sleeve to reveal the five cuts. I took another shaky breath and grazed my fingers along the top of them. Fresh pink and red scars going horizontaly across his arm and wrist.

I began to tear up again and I sniffled. He shifted around and scooted closer to me.

"I'm sorry I did this...It just....relieves me." He said quietly opening his eyes.

I sniffled and cleared my throat, "Please- never do it again..."

With his other hand he moved my hair from my face, "Don't worry about it."

I shook my head, "Tommy...just....promise me?"

He sighed and then reached out his pinky finger, "I-...I promise....I won't hurt myself anymore."

I reached out my pinky finger and linked it with his. When I pulled my pinky away I smiled, "Thankyou."

He smiled softly back at me, "Mhmm....now go to sleep."

I nodded, "Kay....you're gonna sleep too, right?"

Now he nodded, "Yep...goodnight."

"Night." I muttered.

He turned to face the other way and I slowly closed my eyes. Then I heard him try to get up and so I grabbed him and pulled him close to my chest.

I heard him sigh and then he mumbled, "I was just gonna-.....gonna...nevermind."

I snuggled my head close to his, "Go to sleep."

His heart beat fast, "R- Ranboo?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"....I- thankyou." He said quietly.

"Don't mention it..." I replied hugging him tightly then asked, "May I kiss your cheek?"

....Shoot...was that wierd?

"Wh- What?..." he stuttered out.

I let go of him, "S- Sorry I-"

"Yeah....please- kiss my cheek." He cut me off.

I blushed and hugged him again, "Goodnight Bubba."

I gently kissed his soft cheek and I could feel it start to heat up. Then I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him back to my chest. I rest my head on his shoulder by his face.

"Goodnight..." he said timidly.

....how adorable...

Time Skip ~ 10:11am

A small finger poked at my cheek, "Wakey wakey~"

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I replied, "I'm awake."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck, "I think we should get up...."

I blushed lightly and nodded, "Mhmm."

He was gonna pull away, but I held his chin. I turned his face to the side and planted a kiss on his cheek. He blushed ever so lightly and then we got up. He went to his closet to get some clothes and I said, "You get 3 minutes. I'm gonna change and comeback. No locking it.....and don't break your promise."

He nodded, "I know....now go."

I took a quick breath and walked out as he closed the door. I went to my room and quickly changed. Once I was done I went back to Tommy's bedroom door and knocked lightly, "Almost done?"

"Uh.....just a moment." He muttered from behind the door.

"Once the three minutes are up, I'm walking in!" I warned him.

"I know!" He replied.

I heard something loud and I burst in, "Tommy?!"

He was on his phone and he muted himself then said, "I'm talking to Julie...come help."

I nodded and went over to him. I sat down on the bed and he sat beside me. He unmuted, "Sorry....bad connection probably."

"Right, whatever. I just need to know....are you working or avoiding me?" She asked sounding upset.

He took a deep breath, ".....both?"

I heard her sharply inhale then reply, "It's annoying Tommy...,but as long as your sending it.....I suppose it's okay."

I said nothing- I didn't know what to say.

"Okay....I'll talk to you later then, don't forget. Bye Tom Tom. I love you!" She exclaimed happily.

"I-...uh, later. Bye!" He awkwardly laughed and hung up the phone.

I raised an eyebrow, "What's the matter Tommy? You didn't say I lo-"

"Because I don't....remember?" He asked.

I pulled him by his waist closer, "Yeah..."

He starred back into my eyes as I stared into his. He turned a light pink again and asked, "D- did you need something?"

"Tommy....we're you ever inlove with her? Or...have you ever been inlove?" I asked.

He pulled back a bit, "No....I- I've never been inlove..." I let him go and nodded then he asked me, "What about you?"

"What about me?" I laughed.

He smirked, "Have you ever been inlove?"

I blushed a light pink and looked to the floor, "Nope....never."

He put his hand over mine, "Cheer up Ranboo. We're young, we'll find love eventually." He laughed, "Now c'mon, let's go eat. I'm hungry."

He got up and his hand slowly left mine. I pulled it back though and he stumbled, but kept his balance.

Tommy POV

I looked to Ranboo who had pulled me back. He smiled brightly at me, "I hope you find it soon Tommy....you deserve to be loved for real."

I smiled back at him with a light pink blush upon my cheeks, "Thankyou Ranboo....and you deserve to find love too."

I squeezed his hand and then let go. Then we walked out into the kitchen and began to make breakfast.

1,077 words
Thanks for reading.
Sorry, I was late because of Mother Day stuff :(
Anyways, hope you liked it!

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