《Chapter 23》

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Tommy POV

We'd just finished breakfast. Tubbo had joined us a little while ago. I needed to pee really bad, but I was afraid they'd be worried I was doing something else...

I stood up, "I have to use the restroom."

Ranboo stood up, "I'll wait right outside the door, okay?"

I nodded and started walking towards the restroom. He followed and then I entered closing the door behind me. I quickly used the restroom and washed my hands. When I stepped out he held out his hand.

I looked up at him confused and he smiled, "May I see your arm?" 

"Ranboo, I didn't." I said a little offended that he'd thought I had.

"I believe you, but I need to confirm." He replied extending his hand out towards me further.

I sighed and lifted up my arm. He held my wrist and gently rolled up my sleeve. He saw no cuts and smiled. Then I gave him my other arm and he rolled it up to see the five cuts from yesterday and no new ones.

He nodded, "Thankyou Tommy."

I nodded then we walked back down the hall together.

"Do anything fishy boys?" Tubbo asked with an eyebrow raised.

I scoffed, "As i-"

"What? You jealous?" Ranboo smirked sitting down onto the the couch.

I blushed slightly and Tubbo laughed, "Pfft- nah. Tommy can have you."

I rolled my eyes, "No thankyou."

Ranboo fake gasped hurt, "Wow. I can't believe you two."

He put a hand over his heart and shook his head. I laughed and sat on the opposite end as him, "Whatever dork."

Me and Tubbo laughed and he scoffed, "Your one to talk Tommy, you love cuddling with me."

I blushed faintly and looked at him upset, but more embarrassed, "Shut up. Your the one who likes cuddling me."

He stood up, "Oh, really? Cause I believe you asked me to hold you one night and you wanted to share a blanket with me the other."

I stood up too and took a step forward and laughed, "You think you're the only one who's got dirt? Boy, are you wrong."

He smirked, "And what exactly do you have?"

I walked towards him and grabbed his chin making him face down at me, "Should I really embarrass you in front of Tubbo?"

He blushed, "I don't care....you've got nothing."

I laughed again, "Last night...you asked to kiss my cheek."

Tubbo laughed, "Holy shit! For real!? You two are crazy!"

He turned bright pink, "And what did you reply with?"

I blushed and took a step back, "Doesn't matter."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer, "'Yeah....please- kiss my cheek.' Remember that?"

I pulled my arm away, "Thats enough."

He laughed and grabbed me again, "What? Can't admit you liked it?"

I pushed him back and he stumbled, "Don't touch me asshole. And no, I didn't like it at all sorry."

He rolled his eyes, "No need to get upset..." Then he whispered, "Bubba."

I blushed and grabbed his shirt pulling his face close to mine, "Shut your trap, prick."

He made a teasing kissy face, "Why don't you shut it for me...Bubba."

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